Arc IV (2) - 1850

Start from the beginning

I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

I hope you have a pleasant day,

Jenilyn thinks for a moment.


That should be enough.

She reads the letter at least five times and then makes an envelope herself. When she finishes, she puts her work on top of the dinner table, ready to be delivered at first the first hour in the morning.

Jenilyn goes to sleep knowing that she will barely lay down for a few hours.


Ellise opens the plain white envelope with a smile in her face.

She's in her room, only Louis staring at her with lack of interest.

The sun is starting to allow the rising of the night, so a golden light is illuminating her soft features.

When she reads the letter, her smile falls considerably.

But not completely.

She has always been praised, both by her parents and by her piano teacher, for being consistent, determined, hard to break.

She huffs slightly, making her messy bangs get even messier, and grasps the most beautiful piece of paper she owns. With her eyes sparkling with excitement, she begins to write.

Dear J,

I am sorry about the misunderstanding, too. If this is not the work of men, I cannot help but to think that it is the work of the destiny itself.

I write this letter in the late evening, with my cat trying to sneakily push to the floor one of the decorations in my room that he seems to hate the most. I'll let him, but then I'll scold him. Does that make me a bad owner?

I wonder what you are doing as you read this.

I really hope we can keep communicating with each other.

Hope you have a great week,


The brunette reads her letter once and decides that it's decent. She puts it inside an envelope and goes to sleep wishing to hear about J soon.


Ellise does not hear about J soon.

She waits patiently for the next week, distracting herself with her photographs and her improvements in her piano lessons.

She hangs out with some of her neighbors, sometimes, and other times she's happy with making Louis play with one of his teddy bears.

When a long week passes, Ellise revises the mail box with her chest buzzing. Her emotion dies down quickly as she finds absolutely nothing.

She tells herself that issues may have had place, that letters do not always arrive in time, so she waits significantly less patiently for the rest of the week. She checks on the mail box day after day, sometimes both at noon and during the afternoon, only to find her heart sinking deeper in her chest each time.

Ellise lies on her bed, feeling defeated. She really thought it was a signal. She really, really thought that she was at the brink of something fantastic, but now-

She sighs loudly and gets up hastily. Maybe her own destiny is less sweet than she thought.

She moves throughout the house dragging her feet on the floor. The usual warmth brought by the familiarity of her own home is now replaced by feeling of imprisonment. Her heart beats with the urge of something anew, of something powerful, able to make her whole being bloom.

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