"What made you come here?" The old man asked. "I-I I me and my wife and our son were looking for shelter and we saw this hut and think that if you could let us stay here for one night, just for our baby to rest from crying all the way here we will be more than grateful and leave the next thing in the early morning." The husband explains, with so much hope in his voice. "What that's in for me?" The old man said. Hearing this, the husband willing to do anything as long as his wife and son can live. "I'll do anything!" He didn't even hesitate to answer it since he's life is pretty much ruined. 

The old man hears this he agrees and told him the prize he use to pay. "You're living in the worst fate of your life but it will change if you willing to give the most precious thing in your life," The old man said. "I don't have any precious things left, if you're talking about my money it's all gone, empty we've been struggling to earn a single penny to raise our baby but with all the hatred from people around us makes us harder to have a fix job" The husband, almost in a verge of crying begging on his knee. "I'm not interested in your money, you already have your money right in front of your nose." The old man laugh.

"What do you mean?" The husband said. "This is an agreement. If you're willing to give your son to me i will gladly bring your life back just as the way it was before." The husband stands up on his feet and he was angry when he hears it. "I won't sell my son just because my fate has made me like this, my wife and me have been through a lot and having our firstborn child has brought us joy even though there's a tough hardship we both need to go through." The husband said.

"You're taking this wrongly" The old man chuckled. "Do you know why your life turns out this way? that's because your child is the cause of it." "My child has nothing to do with my fate and you don't have no reason to prove it." The husband pointed out. "Your child, unfortunately, is why your life like this, remember how when your life was respected, your company is one of the highest-paid companies just to collaborate with and no matter how wrong you are, you will always be right. As soon as your child born, your company becomes bankrupt, your life turns upside down and people start throwing hates and rocks on you and you didn't even know why"

"That is still not a reason for me to give up my child to you!"

The old man then slowly starts to smile evilly. "Fine. You can keep the child but he will live the life of what you are now"

"Are you putting a curse on my son? who the hell are you!"

"No, boy. You are putting the curse on your own son. I'm trying to help you by taking the misfortune away from you and your wife."

"Whatever this is please don't let my son be the way i am now. I still don't understand why our baby would be the cause of our unfortunate fate but please give him the happy life that he deserves" The husband pleaded.

"So are you saying you agree to my agreement?" 

"You are a crazy old man!"

"Crazy but powerful"

"You're a psychopath, i should report you to the police right now"

"Sure go ahead, even the police wouldn't waste their time on you, you'll end up being called the crazy man instead" The old man laughed loudly.

The husband starts to walk backward slowly. "I swear you are not a human"

"Oh, you realized it now? but wait how?" The old man spins around and pulls up a mirror to check his own face. The effect of the old man on his face beginning to meltdown. "Arghh. i won't be buying this potion again. I need to sue them for this." He said, annoyingly and puts away the mirror. Wendy gasp when he saw who he was. It's the Seeker

The poor husband falls to his knee again; afraid of what he had just witnessed. He can't get his words out. The husband on his knee with his head bow in guilty.

"Say no more word, your kid is a special kid but sadly he will bring bad luck if he continues to stay with you both but i can assure you he will be leaving in a good life, In fact, he won't even know who you both are, " The man said, combing his long grey beard. "Is he really that misfortune? but why would you say he was special if our son would bring us bad luck?". 

"Dear boy, your son possessed a power you couldn't even dream of. Even you need it you couldn't even grasp it,"

"What power did he have?"

"I would want to tell you but it's time-consuming so goodbye"


Wendy woke up as soon as the memory of the past end. It was 8 am in the morning. She picked up her phone and one person that comes up on her mind was Jaehyun. She quick dials his number and surprisingly he answered. "Wendy?" he answered. Wendy stays quiet for a couple of seconds until she ends it leaving Jaehyun unanswered. 

She knows that the past that she had witnessed is not familiar with her or related to her past but she felt like Jaehyun would be related to it. Is he?

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