Part 18 - Forever entwined - II

Start from the beginning

"Ah," he held her face, "now that's the woman I know."

And the look in her eyes melted to one of gratitude. He didn't call her out or tease her on the subject of her inexperience.

And there's the man I know.


They were at the garage and that's as far he could go without touching her. And she stumbled to face him, shrugging off her wet jacket, while he whisked off the sweater again.

On his part, it was trickery, if anything. He'd noted that she was far more open to his kisses when she ran her hands over his bare chest more so than otherwise. And he pulled her close to him, by the waist and she landed on him smiling, her hands reaching to circle his neck.

Her head tipped to one side. "I know your schemes." She whispered and they laughed together.

"I should perhaps think of new ones then," he said with his nose slowly gliding down her jaw. She smelled like a garden and then a whiff that was all her.

"You don't need to." He raised herself on her toes forgetfully and then let out a small cry. But her words had been enough and he lowered to slip off the cast from her left leg. Picking her up, he approached the door and she pushed it open for him.

Inside, he took her lips with an urgency that made her head loll back a bit, but she caught him by the neck and reciprocated his fervency in kind.

And then the sound of something metal-like hitting the floor. He jolted and swiftly broke their kiss to look straight ahead. His mother was frozen in place, her ladle at her feet. His father on the couch looked everywhere but at them.

There was no unseeing them like that. That chaste image of him would be all awash now

She tapped at his chest. "Let me down" She was horrified and her breath quickened to the point, he thought she would faint if he did and instead, he held onto her despite what the situation demanded.

"Jeong Hyuk'a," His mother's voice was faint and he closed his eyes.

"One moment, Omeoni!" He hurried out of the foyer and took a sharp right turn entering the bedroom and let her down. They both braced against the walls, breathing out loud.

"Where is a shovel when you need one?" she said and slid down the wall. "Forget it," she said animatedly shaking her head. "I'm never going to win them over."

He sighed and held his forehead. There was so much explaining to do. Least of it being the scandalous sight that had greeted them.

Checking his phone, he took in a deep breath. "If only I had bothered..." he said and showed her the notification from the home security system.

"Seriously?" she cried. "Are you saying we could have totally avoided that?"

"No!" He ambled to the closet. "I fully planned this to let them know we are seeing each other again."

His sarcasm didn't upset her, but it certainly made him mad that he'd taken the tone with her.

"You mean they don't know that you got in touch..." She was sniveling then.

He quickly changed out of his wet clothes. Stepping out of the closet, he found her sulking on the floor. "I'll talk to them Yoon Se Ri," he said, all the while buttoning his shirt. "Get some dry clothes on and come out when you are ready to meet them."

He walked to her and squatted down to meet her eyes. "We are not teenagers. Don't be profusely apologizing to them."

She nodded, but the next instant she threw her head back and stomped her good leg once. "Ottuke!"

Crash Landing on You - Edelweiss DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now