The Confession

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Kale woke up first, she yawned and stretched a little not realizing she was on top of Caulifla. Her face turns red and quickly got off her, Caulifla was still sound asleep. Kale sighed and got out of bed, and got ready for the day. Caulifla Wakes up not long after and got out of bed and also got ready for the day. She walked up to her throne and sat down still trying to wake up completely, Kale walked up not much longer and stood beside her. "Morning Kale" Caulifla said smiling. Kale looked at her and looked away quickly "M-Morning..." Caulifla layed back, one of the gang members came in with their breakfast, they both ate. Caulifla got up and stretched and turned to Kale "Do you wanna train in the mountains again?" she asked. Kale looked surprised because Caulifla hasn't asked her that since before the Tournament. "Uhm....s-sure...." Caulifla got up excited "Alright! Let's go!" she headed out dragging Kale by the arm "Woah s-slow down!" Kale yelled as Caulifla pulled them up into the air. Caulifla pulled her up to her and held her smiling, Kale blushed and looked surprised "I'll carry you then" Caulifla said as she started flying towards the mountains area Kale's heart started beating fast, her face turned completely red. Caulifla looked at her "You alright? You're face is red" Kale looked away covering her face. Caulifla lands in the mountains area and puts Kale down "Kaaaaale....what are you hiding from me? You know you can tell me anything" Kale looked at her and looked down shyly. Caulifla got closer to her and held both her shoulders gently " can tell me..." Kale looked up at her and blushes on how close their faces were "Well.....Caulifla....I......." Caulifla raised an eyebrow " "I" What?" Kale backed up a little "I love you!" she yelled and teared up, she got off the air but before she could fly away Caulifla grabbed her and pulled her back down, her eyes were widen and face was light red " me?" Kale looked down shyly again "Y-Yeah.....I was just so scared to tell you I thought I could just let those feelings walk off because I know you d-don't see me the same w-way....." Caulifla grabbed both her hands "Don't say that Kale! Truth is....I liked you for a while now...." Kale's eyes widen and light up "R-Really?!" Caulifla nodded her head, Kale smiled and hugged Caulifla, she was so happy that she started crying. Caulifla hugged her back and held her close, she put her forehead against Kale's and leaned in and kissed her on the lips. Kale was surprised and kissed her back. Caulifla pulled away "Do you still wanna train?" Kale asked. Caulifla smiled "Of course!" Kale smiled and backed up feeling quite determined now, she turns legendary super saiyan "Woah, good job Kale!" Caulifla said very proud of her, she then turns Super saiyan 2 "Ready?" Caulifla puts her hands up, Kale nodded "Ready...."

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