
Having a strong boyfriend has its advantages, he has a lot of..ahem..abs that you can touch whenever you like but he's a real softy with a MAJOR HANGRY issue. He's been really helpful lately, which was good since you've been pretty busy "Oi. We're heading home already, are you sure you won't need some extra hands?" Beel asked as he entered Diavolo's office. He looked between you, Lucifer and Diavolo "Don't worry. We'll be fine" you said with a reassuring smile "She's in good hands!" Diavolo said cheerfully. He looked back at Lucifer "well then, you best be off now, the two of us still have a lot of papers to file and sort" Lucifer replied. Your orange haired boyfriend looked over at him and nodded before leaving the office. Hours passed and all the paperwork was finally finished "Finally. I think we all deserve a good rest" Diavolo said as he looked at you and Lucifer "We should really get home" you said as you got up and dusted yourself off "yes, and we still have a busy day tomorrow" Lucifer said as he got up as well "see you two tomorrow" Diavolo said as you ad Lucifer made your way to the door. You looked back at Diavolo and waved at him before going out the door while Lucifer held the door open your you, like the gentleman he is. You two left RAD and walked back to the house of Lamentation on from outside the gate you can already hear screams and yells. You and Lucifer looked at each other before rushing over, unlocking the gate and just sprinting into the house. You two bust open the door and the lobby was destroyed. You look up the stairs to see a cowering Mammon, sideview on the second floor with Satan, Asmo, Levi, and Belphie "H-Hey now let's, not get too cran— AHHH!" He screamed and ran off "damn it, he was supposed to be our meat shield!" Satan said as he ran as well, chasing Mammon and soon the rest of them followed. Suddenly, Beel started chasing after them "what the-" "I'm HUNGRY!" he roared as he chased them in his demon form "crap." You muttered before running upstairs to chase after him. Lucifer was right next to you but then suddenly he isn't. He appeared in front of Beel with his wings and horns out. He was in his demon form. He used a spell to restrain Beel before he looked over his shoulder to look at his brothers "What happened to all the food we just bought yesterday?!" He asked "Well, we sort of...ate all of it and Mammon ate the last piece of food in the fridge." Satan explained. Lucifer's face scrunched up even more "MAMMON." "H-Hey! How was I supposed to know that he was THAT hungry?" While Mammon and Lucifer had their own problems, Beel broke free from the restraints and was rampaging again. You ran in front of him and spread your arms out, blocking him from his brothers "Hey,'s me. Calm down.. we'll get you food soon." You said in a soothing tone "is she crazy? She's going to get herself killed" Asmo said before Lucifer shut him up "Come on. It's me... remember?" You smiled. You saw his expression change back and fourth from his controlled self and his monstrous self. Sadly, the monstrous self was too strong. Using his arm, he slammed you into the wall, breaking the wall and your arm in the process. You let our a yelp before Lucifer restrained him again, with an even stronger spell "Call Luke and the others in Purgatory hall, tell them to bring their food over to our place and tell them it's and emergency." He told his brothers "On it." Levi said as he whipped out his phone and began sending the message. After a while, Solomon, and Luke fed Beel their food while Beel was in restraints like as if he was a god being fed. Meanwhile, Lucifer and Simeon were tending to your wounds and the rest of the brothers tried to clean up the mess. You have a sling for your arm now. Great. When everything was calm now, you tried to talk to Beel. You walked over to his room and knocked on his door "Beel? Hey. Let's talk, yeah?" You asked "Go away...I'm just going to hurt you even more." He replied from the other side of the door. He was currently resting his back against it "What? No...No you're not going to hurt me. I know you didn't mean to, it was your demon urges" you replied "that's the problem..I let my demon urges get the best of me and now look at have a broken arm now." "I'm fine. Beel, it's okay. I forgive you" "thanks but I don't forgive myself..." "It's alright, we all go through that eventually" "No. No...I promised myself I wouldn't let anything or anyone hurt you...I became the very thing I promised not to do...I don't think we should be together anymore...I might just hurt you more" what he said shocked you "What? No, no, Beel. You won't, I'll help you stay under control I-..." You said as you began crying "I-If that's what you want then....go ahead.." you told him before you walked away from his door. He began crying as well before he slumped to the floor Belphie walked over to him and began comforting him, giving his brother a hug before he hugged back. Beel clinged on to his brother's shirt and sobbed.

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