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He ignored Soobin the next few days but the older male is persistent with his texts and honestly Taehyun is starting to give in, he was never given so much…..attention? It feels nice.

Soobin Hyung

Hey Taehyun does school still sucks?

seen 2 days ago

I love banana milk

seen yesterday

black and white or black and red?

I can't choose huhuhu😭😭😭

seen 5 hours ago

Btw if u feel shitty and need to rant

im ur guy

just sayin

ur not alone okay?

seen just now

Stop blowing up my phone hyung

Ah so ur alive!

wished I wasn't

nah it makes no difference




someone sane I could relate with

Mint Choco lovers are WEIRD

oh i know


It went on like that, the two of them exchanging a few conversations every now and then. Taehyun learned a few more things about Soobin, he was a college student of a university in Daegu, youngest of 3 siblings and is a huge dork.


Being short sucks

at least u dun need to fold ur legs like origami in the car!


i bet u hit your head a hunch of times cuz u too tall

dont e x p o s e me

I can and will

Hv fun reaching for shit on the top shelves

I will literally bust ur kneecaps hyung

Small and short words exchange slowly turns into long texting sessions. And for the first time, Taehyun feels as if he learnt what it felt like to have a real friend. He could tell Soobin everything, there was a mutual trust between them.



is it ur friend again?

I dun wanna talk about it

if u say so


im always here okay?

u know what?

fuck it

fuck everything

i just

wanna let it all out

im just soooo goddamn tired of it hyung

Im here hyunnie

always here

He honestly feels so much more comforting talking to Soobin than Hueningkai, he could rant about that science question that makes no sense and Soobin would give his points (bruh is a science nerd too) or rant about his shitty life and Soobin would warmly give him words of encouragement.

Its amazing, they've never met, never shared pictures of each other or heard each other's voice. But Taehyun felt closer to Soobin than anyone else he ever has in his life. Frankly he did ask if they could call, but Taehyun learns something interesting instead.


Can we call?

I'm curious of what do u sound like



that…..won't work

aww why not?

tyun i

I cant

I cant talk



Im mute Tyun

its why people dont stick around with me

cuz I

cant talk to them

oh hyung Im sorry!


its ok u didnt know

but they're idiots cuz ur awesome


thanks hyunnie

ur the best too

Soobin being mute did not change his thoughts of Taehyun, he gets it somehow. Nobody wants to befriend you all because of who you are. They were similar than they knew.

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