New..? Face

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Fyi im bad at describing people so here is what sabre/demon bi- i mean steve looks like now

Fyi im bad at describing people so here is what sabre/demon bi- i mean steve looks like now

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There we go now onto the dang story

Galaxy's POV

They looked like sabre but more demonic and unfriendly looking.. He looks at me after tieing the bandana onto his binary code looking eye, smiling with sharp teeth showing. I was trying not to scream and wake everyone but that is difficult when you wake up to a friggin demon staring directly at you. He speaks "well well... I see you joined the show" his voice was like sabres but more... Dark and glitchy.. I watched as he walked away from the tomb... IN . MY . DIRECTION. I was flipping out on the inside and frozen in place as his figure towered over me in my door way. I screeched loudly and slammed the door as hard as I could, breathing heavily. "Afraid?.. Well I guess we can get to know eachother better later.." He calls from the other side of the door, then footsteps going away..

S a b r e ? POV

Everything hurts.  What is happening?! Im so confused... Felt like I was chained to the floor..?, I look and see chains linked to my wrist all the way into the void looking floor... Demon steve.. He did this.. He ABSORBED ME

I need to get out but how..
I cant cut the chains..
He is in control...
Why do these things happen to me...?
Am I that unlucky?
First dying now this?

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud screech.. Galaxy steve?, I look up. Galaxy steve slams the door very hard. What? 

Void's POV

I was woken up by lightning but now galaxy screaming? What a wonderful night... Wait what?. Galaxy seemed like he was in distress with the loud scream that you could probably hear from 10 dimensions over. I jump up and run to the window and see a figure walking in the rain and somewhere on there face I can see glowing green code.. "What is that... SABRE?" I say to myself quietly.. This will be.. Strange the say the least..


Okie doki this chapter was rushed but tomorrow i will make a long chapter i promise! QwQ (375 words)

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