Catching Feelings | Jeongchaeng

Start from the beginning

"You're zoning out again. There's only a few things left to do. Just get it over with!" Jennie, shook Jeongyeon by both her shoulders, returning her consciousness to reality. "If you're not gonna pull your weight in this assignment, I'm going to kill you." She threatened.

"Ok!" Jeongyeon pulled her off, looking at her other group members sheepishly. Then she looked back down at her laptop, raising her hands to continue her section on the google doc.

"You were thinking about the midget again, huh." Said Yeri, who was sitting in front of Jeongyeon. Seulgi, their final member, snorted at Yeri's comment. Jeongyeon tensed, and ignored her blushing cheeks, putting on her stone face.

"Nah! Why would I be thinking about Chaeyoung?"

"Why would I be thinking about Chaeyoung?" Yeri mocked, tapping her foot against Jeongyeon's leg underneath the table as a signal for her to look up. "Hey. You're always thinking about her."

"You practically have love hearts popping out of your eye sockets." Jennie added. "It's fucking gross."

"No, I don't." Jeongyeon laughed, typing away furiously. She might have been typing nonsense, but at this point she didn't care. She just wanted the thoughts of Chaeyoung to leave her mind and to get back to her work.

"Yeah, when are you guys gonna get together?" Seulgi asked, pressing the back of her pen into her cheek. "It's infuriating to watch you two and not see you kiss."

Jeongyeon slammed her hands into the table, causing everyone to jump slightly in their seats.

"IT'S NOT LIKE THAT AND IT WILL NEVER BE LIKE THAT." That was the truth, and Jeongyeon hated it with her guts, but there was no way she would ever, EVER admit that she liked Chaeyoung to her face. What if something about their friendship changed? What if Chaeyoung didn't like her back? What if she lost feelings for her later on and had to break her heart? What if Chaeyoung suddenly lost the ability to speak Korean (yes this is a real fear)?

There were way too many 'what ifs' and unknowns and too many consequences to her actions that may not all be good. Jeongyeon over thought everything when it came to Chaeyoung.

Yet, the urge to confess... it was always there.


Chaeyoung had never been this confused in her entire life. Not even as confused as she was around Jeongyeon (and that surely was confusing). Today was the third time in a whole week that Tzuyu had come running to her in tears.

The confusing part wasn't that she was crying, because Tzuyu cried a lot, it was the reason why she was crying that Chaeyoung didn't get. The most that she had been able to get out of her was something along the lines of:

"Professor... trouble... can't..."

Nothing of Tzuyu's speech made sense when she cried. So, Chaeyoung could only hold her in her arms and wait for her to stop. And just like Tzuyu to be the ever-secretive child she was, she never ever told the truth about why she was crying.

"Oh, just my Professor... she yelled at me after class."

"My Professor graded me poorly on a test."


"I'm just tired is all."

Stupid excuses. Chaeyoung could see right through her petty lies... to a certain point of course. Her only guesses of what was really happening was: The professor was bullying her, or a classmate was bullying her. But it could really be anything. Chaeyoung was always clueless. And at this point, after three breakdowns with Tzuyu, she was almost ready to move to her last resort...

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