Chapter One - Christmas Eve

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Chapter One - Christmas Eve




 A/N: Hello! First update! Yay! I hope you enjoy! I enjoyed writing this instead of homework so... ENJOY. :)




 "Deck the halls with boughs of Holly

Fa la la la la, la la la la

 Tis the season to be jolly

 Fa la la la la, la la la la"

 Lucy sang the Christmas carol, both hands on the steering wheel and eyes glued to the snowy road. The radio was cheap and made weird sounds now and then, like the rest of the beat up car. But Abigail didn't mind, so Lucy didn't mind. Though the constant stalling did get very irritating when Lucy would have to get out the car and push it a bit in the snow while Abigail played with the wheel making it go crazy directions.

 Sometimes being Lucy wasn't all that great, and if she was on her own in this, she wouldn't be going to their stupid relatives. But the social worker said Abigail needed as many relatives and family she could get to make up for the lack of a Mother and Father. So Lucy was driving the three hours and three minutes from Swindon to Little port, half way across the country. Well, Google Maps said it would be three hours and three minutes but they had already been on the road for four hours and hadn't even passed Cambridge yet.

 Abigail's little sweet voice chimed in for odd words that she knew like "Holly!" and the "Fa la la"'s. It made Lucy smile, her little sister was the sunshine of her world. She made everything she did worthwhile. The three jobs she tragically juggled with her University courses. The pathetic little flat they owned. Everything that was bad in her life due to the fact that her Mum and Dad were dead, dead and six feet underground.

 "Don we now our gay apparel

 Fa la la la la, la la la-"

 "Luuuucyy" Lucy glanced to the passenger seat where Abigail sat picking at her laces on her brand new red shoes.

 "Yes honey?" She switched on the indicator and looked for a space to pull out, the clicking light fascinated Abigail and made her forget whatever she was going to say. She pulled the car onto the exit road from the motorway, a big blue sign marking the exit path. Once she was driving straight again the indicator stopped flashing and Abigail turned her cute plump face up to Lucy.

 "What's 'gay' mean?" Lucy glanced over to Abigail's inquisitive face. She thought for a second. Where did she get that from? Then remembered the song on the radio, 'Don we now our gay apparel' and understood, admittingly relieved.

 "It means happy, when someone's gay, it means they're happy"

 "Oh" Abigail muttered bored with the new word and started swaying her legs, hitting the glove box in a steady rhythm.

 "Abby stop kicking the car" Abigail sped up her swings so they hit harder, leaving muddy smudges on the plastic.

 "Abby! Stop it!" Lucy snapped irritated and swiped at her legs blindly, without taking her eyes off the icy road. Abigail groaned loudly and slouched back in her seat, it swamped her she was so small.

 "But I'm borrreeed!" She whined snivelling and throwing her legs up onto the dash board.

 "Abigail put your feet down and stop mudding my car" Abigail dropped her feet with another loud groan.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2014 ⏰

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