Nightmares and Omens

16 1 13

The sun luminesced the lavender and periwinkle-blue striped room of sixteen-year-old Skylah Rome.  Light danced upon her blue windowsill, as if it were a spotlight for her many figurines of elves, dragons, and fairies that stand, silent, upon their stage.  

Her dark blue vanity was conveniently placed across from the window, so, as light shone through the window, it bounced off of the mirror, reflecting directly on Skylah's bed, in her face.

However, today was a Friday, which meant no school and no reason to get up early-hence why Skylah had closed her Tinkerbell curtains, just last night.  Not such a reason to do so, though, as the light wouldn't affect the young lady, as she lay, buried, beneath a fortress of blankets, pillows, and stuff animals. 

Suddenly, Skylah's older cousin, Katy, swung open the lavender door- which hit the wall with a loud thud- and shot into the room like a bullet.  Wearing her typical Goth clothes- a tattered Metallica tank-top, spiked bracelets with a matching choker, calf-high purple and black plaid skirt, black leather platforms, and bright blue and green sugar skull earrings-, she acted as though she wear a five year old on a sugar rush.  She hopped about Skylah's room like a kangaroo, shouting with excitement, with an ear-to-ear grin on her face.

"Sky!" she said, "Get out of bed!"  Her loud excitement was very unlike herself, as she was usually sweet and quiet.  As she continued to shout, Skylah continued to lay, silently beneath her fortress of bedding.  "Ugh, Sky, c'mon!" Katy said, as she stopped her jumping.  She sat for a moment waiting for Skylah to move.  When she still lie completely still, Katy walked to her bed, crawling atop the fortress, and begun to peel off the layers of pillows, blankets, stuffed animals.  "C'mon, Sky." Katy continued, with excited giggles.  "Look, all I can say is that there's a ginormous surprise downstairs."  

Skylah often never hesitated to take action at the word "surprise", as it was almost like her own rip-cord in the form of a word.  But she still lay, silent, unmoving, beneath her fortress.  

Katy groaned, aggravated with the situation.

"For the love of God, Sky, wake the f-" Katy stopped, replacing the last words of her statement with a chilling scream, as she removed the last blanket.  There before her, had lain Skylah's lifeless body.  She was curled up in the fetal position.  Her left wrist was covered in blood.  Her right hand holding a bloody razor.

Lightning struck.  An ear-piercing clap and rumble of thunder sounded.

Skylah awoke with a scream, as she suddenly sat up in her bed from the wretched nightmare.  She breathed heavily, as she looked around her dark room.  Her pillows were soaked in sweat.  Her blankets have been pushed to the foot of her bed.  And her stuffed animals lie about the floor.  

Lightning flashed outside her window, allowing Skylah to briefly review the rest of her room.

Figurines still on the windowsill.  Tinkerbell curtains still shut.  Everything was correct, down to the lightest detail.  Her nightmare seemingly reflected in her eyes, as she remembered the details, and everything was exactly the same.  She audibly gulped, and reached over to her nightstand, and turned on her sticker-infested, silver lamp.  She felt a sharp pain across her left wrist, as she did so.  Turning on the light, she yanked her hand back in pain, clasping the wrist with her right hand.  Then, she felt a liquid substance, slowly flow down the wrist.  Her eyes widened.

"Blood..." She breathed.  She almost couldn't bring herself to look at it.  But, she inhaled deeply through her nose, and quickly rose her wrist to the lamp-light.


No blood.

No cut.

Her wrist was clear- and as pale as ever.  

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