Where I Belong (Peyton Sanders FanFiction)

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(Chapter 1)

I'm moving. I'm shocked, really. I thought my dad would want to keep me forever. Everything is already packed. Well, a large suitcase of clothes. Everything. My uncle has a room ready for me, apparently. I said goodbye to my friends yesterday. I'm leaving. I'm really leaving. Maybe I'll actually find where I belong.

I hear the car horn from downstairs, signaling the taxi is here. I grab my suitcase and my phone and quickly, and quietly, go downstairs. I don't want to say goodbye to my dad. I open the front door, pull my suitcase out, and I'm gone.

The wait for the plane isn't long. There aren't very many people on it. Maybe people don't like Atlanta? I guess I'll fit in. I board the plane with my phone in hand. They tell me to turn my phone off, so I do. No one to talk to anyways.

I have my three closest friends. But since I said goodbye to them yesterday, no point in texting goodbye now. They cried. A lot. I didn't... But I really am going to miss them.

As the plane takes off, I fall asleep in my seat, thinking of what it will be like living with a family.


I'm awaken by a slight shake of my shoulder. It's a sweet lady, telling me that we landed in Atlanta. I thank her, before grabbing my suitcase from the above compartment. I quickly make my way off the plane, towards the exit. My dad told me someone would be here to pick me up. My uncle, I figured.

"Amanda? Hi, I'm Caitlin. My dad had me pick you up." She's pretty. She seems nice.

"Hi..." I say, and smile awkardly. She smiles sweetly at me,

"Come on," she says and reaches for my hand. I hesitate before reaching for her hand. She pulls me to the exit, leading me to the car. She helps me put my suitcase in the back, before hopping in the driver's seat. I get in the passenger seat and buckle my seat belt.

She makes small talk with me, trying to relieve me of the awkwardness.

"I think you'll like it here! I bet you'll like my brother too," she smiles as she drives. My head snaps up,

"You have a brother?" I ask. She nods,

"Yeah! You should get along, he's about as hyper as me," she laughs. I giggle slightly,

"I bet we'll all get along," I say.

We get to her house, and I start feeling... Nervous. What if they don't like me? I'll probably like them, but what if the feelings aren't mutual? What if I'm just a pest? Caitlin gets my suitcase out of the car, and walks upto the front door.

"Don't worry about anything," she smiles as she walks into the house. I shuffle in behind her.

"Caitlin? Is that you?" I hear a boy yell. A dirty blonde-haired boy walks in. He smiles when he sees me,

"You must be Amanda!" He says. I smile and nod. He seems very energetic, just like Caitlin.

"Dad!" The boy yells.

"His name is Christian," Caitlin whispers and laughs. I smile,

"I was wondering," I giggle.

Their dad, my uncle, walks into the room.

"Hello, Amanda!" He smiles, and holds his hand out to me.

"Hi... Uh," I say, shaking his hand.

"Will," he smiles kindly. I nod and smile,

"My dad didn't tell me much about you guys... I didn't even know you existed!" I giggle, pointing at Christian. He pouts in a corner, as a really pretty woman walks in.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2012 ⏰

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