Such a Great Thanksgiving Dinner

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A/N: Just to get this little project of mine started, I wrote a little Thanksgiving one-shot a few days ago during my History class. So here's a little starter! I hope you enjoy! ♡

I checked my wristwatch for what had to be the hundredth time. I had until 4:30 PM and it was now 11:36 AM. I nod to myself, telling myself that I could do it. I attempted to ignore the nervous energy that coursed through me by preparing the turkey first so I could let it cook while I worked on the side dishes.

I cleaned the turkey well enough and once I was done with a bit of the seasonings, I looked for how long I had to cook it for in the oven. Once I had it all figured out, I set the turkey inside the stove on the appropriate temperature and set the timer.

Mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, crescent rolls, salad, buttered noodles and corn pudding. Those were the side dishes I planned on putting together, but cut out the corn pudding from the list. It was only the two of us.

I treated the side dishes as a regular dinner meal and had the macaroni done in twenty minutes. Mashed potatoes were easy; cutting the potatoes were a pain in my ass but once they were mashed... wonderful. Time passed me by quickly; before I knew it, I glanced at the clock as it showed it was 3:57 PM. My heart skipped a beat and I clenched my fists.

I wasn't dressed, the table hadn't been set. "Fuck!" I yelled at no one in particular. I decided to get dressed in the new dark blue flannel (Jared's favorite color) I bought and a regular pair of jeans that kinda snug around my ass a little. I ran a comb through my hair, brushed my teeth...

My heart nearly stopped when I heard my door bell ring. I quickly unbuttoned the top two buttons on my flannel, added some cologne, and raced downstairs, bouquet of red and orange fall colored flowers behind my back.

It hit me once I came downstairs and entered the kitchen entryway. Burning meat. My heart completely sank to the floor and I realized there wasn't anything I could do but open the damn door. I took a shaky breath, set the bouquet on the table momentarily, and opened the door. "Fuck, Jay! The hell did you do in here?!" Jared's smile wiped right off of his face as he walked into my house, slamming the door behind him as he rushed to the kitchen.

I followed him as he pulled the oven door open and pulled out the turkey with a thin oven mit. He shook his hand roughly as I became worried. "Are you okay?" I asked my husband, cradling his red hand. He nodded, shaking his hand a bit more, avoiding touching any rough areas until the sting lessened a little. Once I wasn't so worried about his hand, I looked to the turkey and gasped.

The turkey wasn't even a turkey anymore. It was a black crust and probably still raw meat inside. A little bit of smoke after from around it, sending off a terrible aroma around the area. My hand flew to my mouth and I bit my fingernail nervously.

Tears threatened to spill and soon enough, they did. I let out a light sob which had Jared worried about me in seconds. "Hey baby, what's wrong?" he asks, his hands gently gripping my shoulders to keep me steady on the tile floor.

I look up at him with sad eyes. "I fucking ruined our Thanksgiving, Jare."

"Jay. You didn't ruin Thanksgiving for us. We can still eat the sides & get some turkey sandwiches somewhere. " he told me. I shook my head. Jared hums sweetly, using his fingertip to tip my chin up so I looked at him.

"You made a wonderful dinner, Jensen." he said with a warm smile before leaning in and giving me a passionate, long kiss. I finished up the sides and we both set the table in the time span of an hour. Before beginning to eat, I took hold of the flowers and gave Jared a quick peck on the lips excitedly before showing them to him and blushing. "Babe, they're beautiful. For me?"

"No Jared, they're for my other husband," I rolled my eyes and giggled. "Of course they're for you!" Jared takes the bouquet and smells them, smiling.

"Best Thanksgiving I've ever had. I'll order the sandwiches." Jared says, pulling out his cell. I stare at him sweetly before setting down his flowers and phone. I wrap my arms around his waist and he wraps his arms around me. We touch our noses together, smiling and kissing.

"Husbands. Can you believe it?" I ask.

Jared laughs. "Absolutely. With someone as hot as you, Jay. "

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Thanks for reading lovelies! (This was really fun to write, also considering Dick in a Box by Lonely Island was playing at one point) Feedback and constructive criticism is highly appreciated!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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