Niall going Deaf Drabble

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A/N: Hey so I haven't up dated in forever so yeah. This is a little something while it's not my best (it's not total shit) I know it's not my best, however I've been holding on to this for a while. I don't think I can take this any further so here you go...

It didn't happend all at once it happened slowly every single day. When it began he denied it, he didn't want to believe that his hearing was diminishing. To Niall hearing isn't just a form of communication to him- it's his life. He's able to hear the laughs that are caused by him. He's able to hear the crowds during the concerts. He's able to play guitar, sing and be in One Direction thanks to his hearing. He didn't want to believe that his hearing was compromised.

He kept quiet about it at least until he couldn't anymore. The boys and crew had noticed that recently Niall had to have things repeated to him, and that he often asked for the telly to be turned up when it was already at a volume uncomfortable for others. He made an appointment in a city where they had a few shows. Niall was afraid and wanted support. He thought about his options.

Liam while offering the most comfort is too clingy, and would be extremely worried thus causing Niall to worry more about the upcoming appointment. Harry while being good at comforting (not to mention the closest to Niall) would probably tell one of the other lads since it would worry him too much. As for Louis I think we all know why Louis was the first on the boys to get eliminated from Niall's list of who to take with him (can't keep a secret at all). All that left Niall was Zayn. While he isn't expecting for Zayn to be too comforting he knows that Zayn is still very empathic. Niall knows that no matter what Zayn can keep his mouth shut, at least until they get a solid diagnosis.

When Niall decides that he'll ask Zayn on the plane to the next venue. When begin to board Niall asks Zayn to ride with him and Harry. Zayn huffs a little bit, but obliges (only getting annoyed since Niall and Harry take the non-smoking plane). He immediately regrets his huffing once he sees the look on Niall's face- it's something important. Security begins to protest but Zayn doesn't back down, and even gets a bit feisty. Harry trying to resolve the issue quickly asks if him moving to the other plane would help. Security stalks off and sorts it out. Within fifteen minutes all the boys are all in jets, and off to their next stop.

"What the fuck was that all about mate?" Zayn asks as he goes to grab his cigarettes but stops once remembering the rules.

"Um well see I've been having trouble with my ears and I was wondering if you could um maybe come to my appointment with me?" Niall asks manipulating his phone in his hands.

Zayn looks at Niall with his mouth hanging open. Zayn's lips move to say something, but his brain couldn't create a response. What do you say to your bandmate whose hearing might be going? You can't comfort him with an "I'm sure it'll be alright", because the fact of the matter is that Zayn doesn't know how this will turn out. This is something that will affect Niall more than the average human being. Niall's life revolves around his ability to hear. Zayn does the only thing he can do and hugs Niall. When Zayn finally pulls away he sees tears brimming in Niall's eyes. Zayn cracks suddenly seeing Niall in this state tears silently running down his face, and now Niall breaks.

When they both calmed down Zayn took the lead "of course Niall I'll go with you, the lads and I are always always" he says squeezing his hand, "here for you".

"I know that" Niall says smiling, "your my bruders".

Zayn smiles and repeats in his best attempt to mimic Niall's accent "bruders" as he gives his hand another good squeeze.

Niall's appointment is three days after this conversation. During that time Zayn made sure to keep Niall occupied. This is extremely taxing on Zayn since he's always needed more personal time than the others, but he does it anyways. The night before the appointment Niall finds himself in Zayn's hotel room.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 17, 2015 ⏰

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