"Mom—" Gulf grabbed her hand to stop her but she shook her head.

"No—it's so nice of him to invite me here and—" she wiped her tears before looking at Mew. "This is all too much for him but he's not a bad boy—he will accept it eventually—I just need him to be safe and—please don't report that he tried to kill himself—" She was trying to stop crying and find the right words as she kept trying to convince Mew.They usually didn't even let them see their parents, forgiving them after a mistake wasn't even a thing, they had a lot of punishments for the fertile ones if they tried to kill themselves or try to end the pregnancy.It was simple, fertile ones were low life and Gulf's mom was aware of it, so she was desperately trying to convince Mew to treat Gulf nice.

"Mom you don't have to—" Gulf was about to stop her again but he got surprised when Mew suddenly stood up.His mom was even more surprised when the guy kneeled down in front of her.

"I'm not going to report him." Mew said as he looked up at her, grabbing both of her hands kindly.Gulf could only watch since he wasn't expecting a move like that.

"Thank you I just—" She tried but Mew patted on her hands, not letting her keep doing the same thing as before.

"I won't report him for anything." He said, realizing the woman was worried since she knew her son, she was scared that he would do something again and get reported.

"I know that it wasn't easy, but it will be better from now on.You don't have to worry." He said with a gentle smile, he couldn't think of any other words, he didn't want to lie to that woman so he told the truth, he was doing this to make things better and he was obviously not after a fertile guys like the now-dead- one.

"Plus—you can easily see him, you will see it yourself." He said and his smile got wider when he saw the woman chuckling before wiping her tears, that detail really made her happy.Cause people usually took fertile ones like pets and didn't really bother to let them see their families or anything.Mew was the last guy who would do that but he knew telling all of these wouldn't convince that woman, she was a mother after all, so he just told the truth and hoped that she would sense he wasn't the bad guy in this unfortunate story.

"As long as he is well and healthy, I will be good." She said while looking at Gulf and Mew knew what she was trying to do, she was still not sure about her son.She never mentioned the pregnancy or child, didn't use any words related to that which gave Mew a quiet signal; he noted, it seemed like not using those words or bringing the topic up would be better for them.

"I'm sorry---Mew, she needs to go." Mild suddenly knocked and walked in, Gulf feeling surprised as he kept watching Mew, cause the guy didn't bother to get up when someone knocked, he thought Mew would pull himself up quickly to not let anyone see him kneeling down in front of someone like that.

"Okay." Mew nodded, slowly getting up as the woman followed him.

"Don't do anything stupid, take care---alright?" She told him while cupping his cheeks and Mew saw the boy nodding.Gulf smiled gently as she waved at him before walking out and waved back.But Mew watched his smile quickly disappearing after the woman left.He realized how strange this was, it was in the middle of night and they were alone in the room, actually Mew wanted her to stay that night so the next day they could go back to Area X together; he was lowkey scared of Gulf's reaction anyway.But Mild warned him about not making the manager of building suspicious, the whole thing was surprising enough.

He rubbed his palms against to each other nervously, not really knowing what to say.But he raised his eyebrows and looked at the boy's side as he heard some voices.He watched the pale boy getting comfortable on bed, completely covering himself with the white blanket and resting his head against the pillow.

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