First meeting; Yoshikuni Sachiyo

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"Codex Island is a region that is located in between the sea of China and Japan." Takakura said seriously as he watch the children in front of him. The said children, whom are sitting around the meeting table with serious expression on their faces.

"This island history is quite interesting. It was found by a fisherman who then start developing the island after it suddenly appeared from under the sea. The fisherman identity is unclear but his descendants had been a powerful family until today." Rory informed.

"So this said family is what running the region?" Byakuga asked. Rory shakes her head, "No." She answered. "The region is run by the government, however, the founder family had been running many business in those region." Rory explained.

"Yoshikuni Family." Samuru blurted out. Everyone looks at him with curiosity. "I remember their name when we went there for father's research." Samuru explained. "Ah yes, that family is very kind. I remember that old man help us as many as he can in father's research." Drivaise said.

"Yoshikuni family eh..." Kaito said before the whole room become silent.

Yoshikuni? Why is that name sounded so familiar?

They ponder on the name a bit more when something click in their mind as if a lightbulb had been lit in their mind.

Almost all of them snapped their head towards Miyako direction with a wide eyes and shock expression.

"Hm?" Miyako asked innocently. "Miyako, you're not the founder family members are you?" Simon asked. "Ah... Unfortunately, I am. The second rightful heir and future family co-leader." She declared.

This of course makes everyone shocked to hear it. "I'll be your escort to Codex Region on that day." She smiled sweetly.

"Mystery..." Riki mumbled.
Time flies fast and without them realizing, the day they went to Codex Island had come and they were so thrilled.

Right now, they are standing on top of WBMA building in Crossland, they will use a helicopter to go to Codex Island which would only take few hours to reach.

But there's an extra unfamiliar face there standing beside Samuru. A guy on Basara's age or older, wearing red leather jacket and black pants.

"Samuru." Riki called out happily as he runs towards the dark haired teen. "Riki" Samuru greeted back before looking back at the guy at his side.

"Uh hello..." Riki greeted the guy beside his best friend. "Are you Samuru's friend?" He asked Riki instead. "Uh yes." Riki answered. The tall guy seemed to nod but his eyes does not leave Riki as if trying to warn him of something.

"Raiden,..." Samuru warned pulling his brother's sleeve. Raiden sigh as he looks at his little brother.

"Be careful when you get there, don't go anywhere on your own." Raiden advised. He quickly ruffles Samuru's hair, messing them up that Samuru inevitably whined and send a glare at him.

"I told you to cut them, why are you keeping them long?" Raiden teased. "Brother..." Samuru said sounding like a protest. Raiden smiles at his little brother and push him to Riki side.

"Go I am bored seeing you girly face at home." Raiden said nochalantly, trying to tease him a little more. After all, he wouldn't be able to see him for a week.

Samuru's reaction as always is fun to see and heard. This time too Samuru doesn't disappoint him.

Samuru look at Riki and said. "My brother seem to had a weird view of girly and beauty, I hope that he'll marry someone as pretty as me in the future." Samuru said tilting his head to Raiden direction.

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