I know what were gonna do today

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He woke up and looked at his clock, 1:00 it read. It was so late in the night, why was he dreaming of Isabella? He crept slowly to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He said to himself in his raspy, dehydrated voice, ''Get your head in the game, man." As he walked back down the hallway the voices inside his head taunted him, ¨Isabella will never love you, triangle face.¨ He pushed the thought out of his mind and started to think about what he would do tomorrow, maybe build the biggest box of candy hearts, he thought dreamily. He climbed back into his bed and fell asleep instantly.

At the crack of dawn, 8:30, he woke. He reminded himself ''The early Phineas gets the good food". After eating a good breakfast of Candice-O's cereal, he went to go and shower, he stepped in, his bright orange hair immediately doused by water. After completing the rest of his morning routine he stepped out onto the lawn. He pondered how he would confess his feelings to Isabella and what he would build that day. As he closed his eyes and waited for Ferb he heard the familiar sound that enraptured his heart, ¨Whatcha doin'?¨ He smiled and looked up to see Isabella. ¨Thinking about what I'm going to build today¨ he answered. Ferb came out of the sliding glass doors and interrupted their conversation with his presence, intervening even though he didn't speak a word. Phineas then decided what they would do that day, ¨Ferb, I know what we're going to do today¨ he stated, Ferb just nodding. ¨Ok, Isabella, go get the fireside girls, please.¨ She left quickly to go get her troop, Phineas then called up Balgeet, Buford, Candice, and Vanessa. The fireside girls, Isabella, Gretchen, and Ginger, then came back with Candice, Jeremy, and Vanessa. Baljeet and Buford were shortly behind. They polarized them into 5 pairs, one boy and one girl; Candice and Jeremy, Buford and Gretchen, Baljeet and Ginger, Ferb and Vanessa, and finally Phineas and Isabella. They would compete in the ultimate test of Cupid. They then loaded into the van, sitting next to their partners. They began their ultimate test in the middle of Danville. Grandpa Clyde announced, "Everyone is going to go on a hypothetical date tonight, we will get to that later, but right now you will get your partner a gift. You will have one hour. Ready. Set, GO!" Phineas needed to prove that he deserved Isabella's heart, he needed to get something unique to her specific interests. He sketched down a quick list of things she likes:

Isabella's likes:
Fireside girls
Ice cream
Building things
Me? (hopefully)

He checked his watch, he only had 50 minutes left to get Isabella the perfect gift. He rushed to the flower store, almost a five minute walk away. He found Buford coming out of the store with a single red rose. He needed to do better for Isabella, he needed to show her how much he cared. He looked around and after a while, he found her the most beautiful primroses, a nice yellow color, and later when he gave them to her only he would know that they stood for romance and affection. He needed something else to go with the roses, a food component. He checked how much time he had left, only 40 minutes, he fantasized about what Isabella would get him, he didn't even care what she got for him, just for her to show that she cared about him. He quickened his pace as he made the final jog into the ice cream shop, He asked the scooper, Stacy, Candice's best friend, "Do you have any flavors involving s'mores or marshmallows?" Stacy responded with a "Yes" and gave Phineas a pint of Campfire S'mores. He then went to the hallmark store only on sop over and got her a card with bees in a heart on it. He marked inside of it "to someone that I love" he paused, wondering if her should keep it at that, but finally decided to finish lamely "...hanging out with". He closed the card and sealed up the envelope. He stuck the card in the middle of the primroses, and headed back to his grandfather's van.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 11, 2020 ⏰

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