We're Going To War

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I woke up the next day and my head was killing me. I couldn't remember the last time I had a hangover or at least a very bad one. I groaned a little as I was lying down outside on the porch with Aoi while having a cold cloth on my forehead to cool off the headache.

"Ugh... my head is killing me..." I groaned for the fifth time today.

"Stop whining...you're making my head hurt even worse..." Aoi complained as she held her head in pain. "I'm telling you now...that is the last time I'm keeping up with your pace."

"Look who's talking, you were as bad as me when you were talking your 'childhood sweetheart' Takeda Shingen."

"What?!! ahh!!" Aoi shouted in pain after yelling so loud while I chuckled weakly.

"...Your face, it was priceless," I spoke with a grin on my face while holding onto the cold cloth on my head.

"As I told you last night before we got drunk...we were young and we were in training back then...besides, he's too busy trying to get Kai back and among other things meanwhile I'm trying to...find Kennyo and the Apple of Eden..."

"Yeah, until I came along and got us both drunk..."

We both chuckled weakly at that statement. Just then, Hideyoshi and Ieyasu showed up.

"Well good morning ladies, still feeling rough?"

"What the hell do you think, Scimma? (Monkey?)" I asked him with a frown on my face.

"Don't talk to us unless if you want your head bitten off," Aoi spoke with a frown on her face since we were not in the mood to be lectured right now.

"Relax, the hangover is more than enough punishment for getting drunk in the first place."

"Honestly, you two are unbelievable, I thought the War God's drinking was bad enough but, you two...*Sighs* here drink this."

Ieyasu gave us a cup of medicine as we both sat up properly. We took the cups from him and we glanced at each other.

"You didn't poison it did you?" I asked Ieyasu.

"No, it's supposed to help with the hangover. Don't bother sniffing it, just down it."

Aoi and I shrugged and then we both drank the medicine and it tasted awful but, at least it will help.

"Anyway, why on earth did you two get so drunk last night?" Hideyoshi asked us with a small frown.

"Ask Arianna it was her idea to go out in the first place."

"It certainly wasn't my idea to get drunk," I told her.

"You were the one who kept ordering more bottles of sake."

"Only because you were drinking like a fish."

"Look who's talking! you had more cups of sake than I did."

"At least I was able to nurse my drinks, unlike a certain Sengoku Assassin I know of."

Aoi was about to answer back but then, her face turned green. 

"Uh oh, she's gonna spew! quick! get a sick bucket!" I shouted before Ieyasu left and he came back with a bucket. 

I gave Aoi the bucket and then she began to vomit in the bucket. I rubbed her back and then one of Aoi's assassins showed up.

"Uh, did I come at a bad time?" He asked me.

"Give her a minute, she'll be fine."

Once Aoi finished vomiting, she looked at her comrade and she asked him.

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