Nightmare In Silver pt.2

Começar do início

"Bad news?" Clara asks.

"Bad news, the Cyberplanner's in my head. And, different bad news, the kids are, well, it's complicated" I mutter.

"Complicated how?"

"Complicated as in walking coma" I once again hide behind the Doctor.

"Please tell me you two can wake them up."

"Hope so," the Doctor says.

"Other good news?" Clara asks.

"Well, in other good news, there are a few more repaired and reactivated Cybermen on the way, and the Cyberplanner's installing a patch for the gold thing. No, wait, that isn't good news, is it. Er, so, good news, I have a very good chance of winning my chess match" I grin.

"What?" Clara asks.

"I'll explain later. In a bit of a hurry. Get me to a table, and somebody tie me up! Need hands-free for chess. And immobilise me, quickly" I say.

*Throne room*

Clara and the Doctor tie me to a chair with thick rope.

"Right, that's good. I won't be able to move, but hands-free. Good."

"You're playing chess with yourself?" Clara asks.

"And winning" I then tear off the gold ticket from the implants and acquire a northern accent.

"Actually, she has no better than a twenty-five percent chance of winning at this stage in the game. Some very dodgy moves at the beginning. Hello, flesh girl... Doctor. Fantastic. I'm the Cyberplanner."


"Afraid not. I'm working the mouth now. Allons-y. Oh, you should see the state of these neurons. She's had some cowboys in here. Ten complete re-jigs."

"You aren't the Seer." Clara says.

"No, but I know who you are. You're the impossible girl. Oh, she's very interested in you" the Cyberplanner smirks.

"Why am I impossible?"

"Haven't any of them, told you? The sly devils. Oh, dear me. Listen, soon we'll wake. We'll strip you down for spare parts, then build a spaceship and move on."

"More Cybermen," the Doctor says.

"They're waking from their tomb right now. You can either die or live on as one of us" meanwhile, her right hand is writing Hit Me on a notepad.

"The Seer will stop you," Clara says.

"She can't even access the lips" Clara me her. Hard.

"Argh! Ow! Oh, that hurt. No, stop. Enough, Bit of pain, neural surge. Just what I needed. Thank you" I say.

"Why am I the impossible girl?" Clara asks.

"It's just a thing in our heads. I'll explain later" I say.

"Chess game. Stakes?" the Doctor asks.

"If she wins, I give up my mind and she gets access to all my memories, along with knowledge of time travel. But, if I win, she'll break her promises to get out of my head and then kill us all anyway" I smile.

"That's not reassuring," Clara says.


"Please tell me you can fix whatever happened to the children," Clara says.

"Children. Yeah. They're fine. I mean, right now their brains are just in standby mode."

"That is not fine!" Clara shouts.

The Oncoming Storm ²Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora