1x19 An Unblinking Death

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(St. Anne's Church)

[Kieran is having upsetting hallucinations of Bastianna and his dead nephew Sean while Josh and Cami try to help take care of him]

Kieran: [kneels at the sacristy for communion] This is the body. This is the blood. May they cleanse me of sin and preserve my soul in life everlasting.

Bastianna: [sits in the pew behind him] I'd say it's a little late for that, Father. I see you still have your faith.

Kieran: [terrified] You stay away.

Bastianna: If only it could save you, Sean.

[Sean appears behind Kieran, and holds a scythe to Kieran's neck, just as he did to himself and the other seminary students]

Kieran: God, no! Aah!

Bastianna: [holds the communion cup toward him] To life everlasting. Drink.

Kieran: [hysterical] Be gone, demon.

Bastianna/Cami: Come now, just one sip.

[In reality, Cami is holding a glass of water, and is trying to get him to drink it while Josh holds Kieran down. Kieran, freaking out, slaps the cup out of her hand]

Kieran: No. Uh! I know who you are, you hateful bitch. [He notices Josh, but thinks he's his nephew] Oh, Sean, I tried to help you. I tried to save you, but this city... this city is full of monsters.

Josh: [tries to remain calm] Uh, yeah. Trust me, I know. [to Cami] Remind me to never piss off a witch.

Kieran: Aagh!

[Kieran falls to the floor and begins having a seizure. Cami kneels next to him]

Cami: Help me lay him on his side!

Kieran: [calms down momentarily] Cami.

Cami: [hopeful] Uncle Kieran?

Kieran: [becomes confused and agitated again] What do you want from me?

[Kieran backs away into a corner, and Cami and Josh stand up to talk alone]

Cami: You saw that, right? It was just for a second, but it was him.

[They both stare at Kieran, who anxiously grabs the cross around the neck and squeezes it]

Josh: I don't know, Cami. I mean, maybe he's still in there underneath all the crazy, but the crazy is pretty thick.

Cami: Maybe he just needs a shock to his system, something to wipe the slate clean. Josh, I think I have an idea on how to fix him.

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