Waiting patiently, I watch as he pulls into the parking lot of Richard-Grant High school. I know he has more to say but he's afraid to say it. "Rick."

"Okay okay. Imighthavetoldjenthatyoumissher." His words, rushed, enter my ears separately and slowly. She nows that I think about her. She knows. I mean it can't be all that bad, right? She was going as far to talk to Dahlia to get information about me so she must miss me too.

Unbuckling my seatbelt, I slide out of the car and into the bitter cold, hastily walking towards the entrance of the school. Rick and Rebecca walk sluggishly behind, I guess trying to void my anger but I'm not angry. I'm actually pretty elated. She knows that she's been on my mind and I know I've been on hers.

Entering the school doors, I'm immediately ambushed by my own schools basketball team as they struggle to find the locker room. Laughing slightly, I lead them towards where they have to be which is right across from the main gym. Rick and Rebecca have already made themselves at home, sitting in the middle of the bleachers and waiting for my arrival. Smiling, I make my ways towards them only to be stopped by Dahlia and her group of friends.

"Gwen? Is that really you?" Her eyes take me in as she slowly walks up to me, afraid that I'd run off if she made any sudden movements. Jesus.

"Hey Dahlia. How are you?" I ask, tilting my head slightly to the left to get a good look at the people I used to hang out with. Hayley and Megan were absent, being apart of school spirit things and what not. Her arms are instantly around my neck once she hears me speak, proof that I'm actually here. Untangling myself from her, I slowly slink away, claiming that I had pictures to take. It wasn't a compete lie, I mean I do have a camera with me it just isn't mine. It's Becca's.

"Hey can we borrow her for a sec?" Rick says as he gently tugs on my arm, not waiting for a response from her. Thanking him, we both make our way up the bleachers were Becca waits impatiently for her camera.

"Took you long enough. The games about to start so sit your asses down." Got to love her.

The crowd erupts in cheer as their home team charges out, signaling the band to start its anthem. Parents holler for their daughters and students chant for their friends. It's a good atmosphere and I'd be lying if I said I don't miss being on the court, having all these people cheering me on but it couldn't be helped. This is the best that I'd get and I'm fine with that.

Our team makes an appearance and there is just as much hype for our team as their was for theirs. Cheering obnoxiously, I turn to my peers and they only get more excited. They all stand behind me as I cheer the girls on, knowing that it would be a great game. Becca takes this as a chance to get quick snaps of our student section in action.

The crowd falls silent as the announcer begins rattling off the staring players for either team and my heart nearly explodes when Jen's name flies from his mouth. She gets up, her team cheering her on the whole time, and makes her ways towards the our team captain. They shake hands as the announcer brings up the next girl but my eyes are stuck to Jen. She looks so good. The uniform fits her so well and her athletic frame makes her look so much better. Her eyes momentarily search the crowd and butterfly erupt in my stomach as she they scan over my section but don't find me.

"Hey G, don't you think you should be with the athletic trainers since you're like an aid or something." Rick reminds me as I snake my way out of the crowd and towards my team bench. Taking a seat at the end, I watch as the game starts off hot. Our team wins jump ball and Stacy makes a lay up within the first few seconds of the game.

Ms. Morgan comes up behind me, two other aids by her side as they take seats around me. "Alright guys, don't forget, we are helping here for emergencies. Clare, that means no running out if someone falls and instantly gets back up." Clare turns her head, a light blush playing upon her cheeks as she nods her head.

The game wages on and it's pretty intense. We're up by three but every time we take the lead they get their heads out of their asses and catch right back up with us. I like it. The closeness of the game. The adrenaline that comes with it. You're so close to winning and you get goose bumps because you know it's a good game. God. I'm not even playing and I can feel it.

There's a scramble for the ball and I can already see the injury happening. Stacy and Lauren are both diving for the ball, ignoring each others presence, then their heads collide. Ronni trips over both their bodies, landing on her arm and from the dead silence of the game, the cracking is the only thing that's heard. Already out of my seat, I rush over to her side since she has the most severe injury.

"Hey, it's okay but I need you to not freak out and to not move, alright?" Her eyes wide, staying focused on the ceiling as I try to keep her attention. "Ronni, hun, listen to me. Can you hear me?" She nods her head slightly, still not saying a word. Ms. Morgan is already by my side, taking care of the harder alerts.

"The ambulance is on the way and I've got it wrapped as best I can. I need you to keep her talking though." Nodding my head, I give Ronni my undivided attention.

"Ronni is this your first break?" She just nods her head, refusing to look at her arm which is a good thing. It's a clean break, doesn't break the skin completely but it will take time to heal. We spend the few minutes talking as she calms herself down enough to actually use words. The paramedics eventually burst through the doors, quickly assessing the scene and taking Ronni with them.

By the time I make it back inside, the game has continued so I decide to watch from the hallway. Players from either team walk down the hall towards me but I pay them no mind. It was the last quarter and we are up one.

"..Gwen.." My body freezes at the sound of her voice. I didn't want to move but my heart made me. She is already attacking me in a hug before I can see her beautiful face. Her arms wrap themselves around my neck as mine hold on to her for dear life.

This feels so right.

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