The War

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"Araylia, pack a bag. You have to leave immediately."

"But Papa!"

"We don't have much time," he replied gruffly. "They're coming."

"Who are coming papa?" Araylia stood her ground.

"Araylia!" Her father roared. "There is a war waging on us. You, my only heir, my daughter, are going to leave. Now. Your nursemaid will accompany you to a remote village in the suburbs."

She stood dumbfounded. She had never heard him call her his daughter. A tear fell from her eyes, and she furiously rubbed her eyes. "Yes papa."

She turned on her heel and dashed to her Chambers. She wondered about Kyllion. He lived inside the walls of Ochilan.

"Princess Araylia?" It was her nursemaid.

"I'm packing," she snapped irritably.

"I'm sorry your highness," the woman muttered. "I'll leave you to it." She bowed and stepped outside the door.

Araylia sighed. Throwing her clothes and belongings into a bag, she took a last look at her room. Looking down at her clasped hands, she realized that her Promising ring was missing. She rushed to her dresser, and snatched it up.

Her nursemaid was waiting, as promised. "Are you ready your highness?"


As they walked passed the war chamber, she heard her fathers words.

"We take the front... And General Amaya Nethergleam will lead the frontier."

Araylia stopped cold. Amaya.

Kyllions' mother.

She was leading the attack.

"Nurse, what is Queen Amaya doing, leading the attack on the Aeyatish?"

"That's none of your concern," she said shortly.

"But.... It's kyllions' mother!!"

"Yes, well, but your father sees her fit to lead. So she will lead."

Her nurse dragged her along. The last thing she ever heard, was Amaya Nethergleam, Queen of Rivuthen and Aspen Hazekeep, Queen of Ochilan, bowing before her father.

Bowing before the King of Ochilan.

And preparing for war

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2020 ⏰

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