Company-Bard x injured reader

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This is a request for @4208546a

I have lived in Laketown since birth so I knew everyone one there. Bard and I have been friends since childhood. I even helped him win over his wife even though it hurt me. As time passed I realized all I would ever be to Bard is his best friend. I was a helping hand with the children and a shoulder to cry on when his wife passed away. He protected me from the filth named Alfred in our teenage years but as we got older, he started to not protect me as much which led me to stray away from his company.
Now here I was years later walking Laketown alone for what seems like the thousandth time. It was a quiet evening in Laketown and everyone was starting to settle down for the night. I was enjoying the peaceful sounds of the town falling asleep when I heard something out of the normal. Footsteps atop the roof running. I quickly and silently made my way up to the roof of the building next to me and looked for the cause of the footsteps. I ducked low against the roof looking around when my eyes found a pack of orcs that were heading towards Bards house.
I quickly got down from the roof and took off running for Bards house to warn him. I hammered my fist against his door and the door opened to reveal Bain. "Y/n! I missed you!" Bain said as he tackled me into his arms. "Where's your father?" I asked frantically. Bain took a step back and said "Da is in jail. Alfred took him there not but 30 minutes ago." I nodded and took off running once again towards the Laketown jail. I made it there only to be slammed against the wall by a large gruesome orc. I tried to scream for help but it just laughed in my face. I heard Bard in one of the cells screaming for Alfred to let him out.
The orc once again slammed me against the wall as I tried to make a run for it. He grabbed my throat and threw me to the ground laughing. He slowly grabbed his sword from his back almost teasingly and sauntered towards me sword in hand. I backed up until my back was against the wall for a third time. I was screaming for help yet none was coming. The orc slowly tauntingly pushed the sword into my leg making me scream as though I was dying and in minutes I could be. The orc pulled his sword out of my leg and took a minute to lick some of my blood off his blade. It was silent except for my crying as I clutched my wounded leg.
Out of nowhere, Bard came out of the jail slashing a sword into the orcs neck decapitating the evil orc. He rushed to my side and lifted me into his arms apologizing profusely for not coming to my aid sooner. He took off running towards his home. He slammed the door open and shoved everything off the counter of his kitchen and placed me down. The children rushed to his side asking what was wrong but he ignored them and ran out of the house.
My leg started hurting worse to the point of screaming in pain. Blood was pouring out of my wound and I was getting lightheaded. Bard came charging back inside with a weed and an elf. The elf checked my wound and confirmed that it was indeed poisoned. She performed an elf incantation and my wound didn't hurt nearly as bad. Bard ran to my side hugging me tight as my screaming turned to just crying.
The elf said I must rest for a few days before I can even try to walk so I was stuck with Bard until I could walked again. Bard and I talked during that time and he asked why I stopped talking to him and I told him how he stopped talking to me first and he apologized profusely again and slowly we rekindled our relationship as he nursed me back to health and I realized maybe Bard isn't such bad company after all.

Middle Earth one shots-Requests OpenWhere stories live. Discover now