"One day I want to take maternity pictures with you" I said . "Whatever you want" He responded. We got washed and then out the shower. I wrapped myself and a towel and went and laid on the bed to take a quick nap.

      Tre woke me up around 9 something talking about it was time to go. I wanted nothing more to slap the Shit out of him. Until I saw that beautiful plate which had a sandwich and hot chettos.

    Sitting up as fast as humanly possible I grabbed the plate and dug in. Flash I looked up and gave him the middle finger.

    My phone buzzed twice indicating a notification to something. I grabbed my phone and saw and instagram notification clicking on it I seen that Tre made a collage of me and my love making to my creation.

  @TheBoss_Tre: All she do is eat, my Boys gone be fat as hell, the things she does Yall wouldn't believe me if I told yall. I love her for carrying my boys though. I'm Sorry for all my wrong doings and whatever else I may do in the future to hurt her feelings like eating her chettos. And posting this pic... #MightBeMyFutureWife #WonderIfSheWouldConsiderBeingMyGirl? @TheyCherish_Her

     I smiled and commented back

@TheyCherish_Her: Yes I'll be your girlfriend, #HisFutureMrs.

      I know yall probably like hell yeah power couple but I'm thinking like boy please don't break my heart, and don't touch my chettos or my sandwich.

          He must have saw my response because he climbed on the bed and kissed the Shit out of me. When he pulled away I had to catch my breath "So girlfriend, go get dressed so I can take you to the shooting range." He said. I smiled and got up with his help and headed to the closet.

    I grabbed a panty and bra set a pair of black tights and a blue v-neck long sleeve shirt, and my blue and black Jordan six rings. I was not about to try and squeeze inside any pants that Shit hurts.  Dressing was quick since I didn't apply any makeup or anything I just put my hair in a sloppy bun and added my diamond stud earrings to my ear, my rose gold Micheal kor watch with the blue face.

       "You ready" I asked as I tried to tie my sneakers. "FUCK LIFE" I yelled because I couldn't reach my feet. My belly must have grew in that nap I took because I could barley see my feet. "What's wrong" Tre asked. "I can't tie my fucking shoes" I yelled. He said nothing but he did tie my shoes for me. "Thank you" I said. "It's no reason to thank me let's go" He said as he grabbed my hand and lead the way out the house only to stop to lock the door.

      I walked to his all white Bentley and waited for him to unlock the doors. Once he did I slid in and put my seat belt on. He drives unsafe.

When he got in he started the car and pulled of. "You don't think you need to drive slower" I said as we made it to the gates. He put in the code and when they opened we drove out.

      He pulled off doing 80mph. "God please don't let me die" I prayed as he came to a red light. "Chill Ma, I'd never let anything happen to you not while you with me anyway." He replied as he pulled off. We made it to the gun range within 20 Minutes a normal person who would have took short cuts would have made it there in close to a hour but no mr.speedy took 20 Minutes without short cuts.

     He grabbed my hand once we had stepped out the car and we made our way inside. "Which gun you want," He asked. I pointed to the all black 9. "Give me that, that glock and that 45 oh and the AR 15, and the shotgun." Tre said.

     When he got the guns and headphones he handed me the three smaller ones while he got the 2 big ones. We headed to the booth and he handed me a pair of head phones.

   "I want you to start off shooting the smaller ones than will make our way up. What you do is stand side ways a little and place your feet shoulder length apart. Aim and look at that little black piece on the front, when you shoot aim down a little because when the gun kick back it'll lift a little." He said.

     I already knew how to load a gun so he didnt have to tell me how to do that part. He stood behind me and held my hands for the first shots. Than he moved away. my first 2 clips by myself was ok but as time went on I got better.

    "Since you got the hang I want you to aim for the head and neck only and focus more" He said as he handed me the glock. I focused like he had told me to and aimed at the neck I hit the trigger until it made a clicking sound because it was empty.

    We brung the paper up and I only made 2 shots in the head no neck shits and the rest hit the side of the paper. I sucked my teeth. "Don't get frustrated, imagine the papers as somebody you hate the most imagine this was your dad or jackpot." He said. I reloaded the gun and aimed again I got in the right stance and imagined my dad as the target.

"If you walked out that door and died right now I'd be.."

     Were my only thoughts before I continuously pulled the trigger. I grabbed the other gun once the glock was empty and repeated the same actions even after it was empty I continued to squeeze the trigger.

    I felt Tre behind me as he placed a kiss to my neck while he rubbed my belly. "Calm down baby" He whispered. After removing the gun from my hands He clicked the button so that the paper came forward and I tore a whole thru the head and neck.

     "Damn girl I don't wanna make you angry" he said. I just smiled I was happy that I could make him proud of me. 

   After we worked on the other 2 guns. He showed me how it should be done. My baby was a great shooter and I ever got that good. Any bitch that dared to fuck around with me and mines would catch a bullet so fast.

     I walked up to him was he sat the gun down and put my arms around his neck he bent a little so we were face to face. "I never got a chance to say I Love you to baby" I said after placing a passionate kiss on his lips.

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