"It's only been twenty four hours." Barabra sighed.

June leaned over and hugged Betty and whispred thank you in her ear.

"Little Betty beat us all to the post." Barabra sighed.

Down the hallway a tall dark haired nurse lead three new nurses into the ward.

"And this is Ward 3." She annouced as she looked back at the new nurses. "As you can see no painents."

Barabra gasped.

"Sandra, new recruits to tourture." She grabbed Sandra's arm. "Come on!"

Barabra and Sandra ran out of the ward and followed the recruits.

"Where are they going?" Evelyn asked as she entered the wing.

June turned around.

"Eve!" She hugged her friend. "I feel like I haven't seen you since..."

"New recruits." Betty cut in, slicing the awkwardness.

June and Evelyn turned back to Betty who was sitting on the bed. June grabbed Betty's hands.

"I feel like I've been so caught up with Danny-"

"Danny?" Evelyn asked. "Are you two together now?"

June smiled and looked over at her friend.

"I guess, you could say so." She blushed.

"Wow, I kinda have been out of the loop," Evelyn admitted.

June smiled and pulled Evelyn next to her.

"Well, our sweet little Betty here is engaged."

Evelyn gasped as she pulled Betty into a hug.

"Oh, Betty!"

"Red's a lucky man." June laughed.

"We're gonna wait till I'm nineteen and Red can buy me a ring."

Betty pulled Evelyn and June into a tight hug.

"I'm glad to see you to are goin' on living." Betty whispered. "Red!"

Betty quickly pulled away as she spotted Red walking into the ward. She ran down the short hall and jumped into his arms causing him to drop the colorful flowers in his hands.

"Tell me everything about Danny." Evelyn smiled as she pulled June onto the bed.

"Well, he's sweet and different than I remeber as a kid but also the same. He looks so much different than he did in high school, more handsome, but he acts the same."

"I'm so happy for you, June."

June smiled as she pulled Evelyn into a hug.

"What do you want to do the rest of the day?" June asked. "They clearly don't need us here."

Evelyn looked up and out the window behind June. She saw Danny running up to the hospital.

"I think you should spend it with your man." She pointed out the window.

Butterflies grew in June's stomach as she spotted Danny.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Evelyn responded quickly.

June smiled the ran throught the hospital. She pushed open the front doors to meet Danny. June's shoes clacked on the ground as she walked down the stairs.

"Hi." Danny said softly.

"Hi." June said as she stopped in front of him.

"I didn't sleep a wink last night." June smiled as he spoke. "I had to see ya."

He took a deep breath then grabbed June's hands.

"Last night was crazy, I know, but I'm not sorry. Are you?"

"Danny I had a wonderful time last night," June said hesitantly.

"Look, June, I was just down at the beach and I watched the sunrise and I knew that everything was gonna be different. That this is the start of something new in this place, in this moment. I don't care what anybody else says."

June looked up at him.

"Even Rafe?" She asked quietly.

Danny was taken back by her words.

"You have your tie on crooked." June stepped forward and placed her hands on Danny's tie. As she moved forward Danny pressed his forehead against hers and leaned down to kiss her.

"Everythings gonna be alright," Danny whispered, clearly answering June's question.

June looked up and him and smiled. He placed a quick kiss on her nose then pulled her into a tight hug. At that moment June had no regrets. She knew that Danny was onboard and her fear of Rafe's disapproval melted away as Danny's arms held her.

 She knew that Danny was onboard and her fear of Rafe's disapproval melted away as Danny's arms held her

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