🥀Why Did I Think This Would Be Different?!💔

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This character is based on the idea that angels of hate(or anti-cupids)are created when an angel of love has their heart broken and loses their belief in love. It may sound dumb but is vital to the idea of this boi.

Full name➷

Kento Mori


C'mon -w-


Someone tried to call him ken once and that died ReAl quickly sooooo...



➶Preferred name➷



Looks to be (insert whatever age fits for the scenario) but has been around for a while to say the least.


He thinks it's February sixth

➶Gender identification➷


➶Sexuality/Romantic orientation➷

Le homoflexible

>In the closet?




>Any notes on this?

Remember what I mentioned above? Thats the basic idea of this

➶Spoken languages➷

English, Spanish, Japanese, French, And he started to learn Italian before everything happened
(translation, mostly romantic sounding languaged)

➶How others describe them➷

"He's viewed as either intimidating as hell or just misunderstood, no inbetween"

"If you plan on getting close to him, don't."

➶Personality Traits➷

Holy crap the sarcasm-
Gets bitter around anything romantic,
Very protective,
Has to TRY to avoid fights,
Hella distrusting,
Remains selfless,
Quiet most of the time,
Honest to the kinda brutal degree,
Quick on his feet,
Doesn't do 'second chances',
Good intuition with people,
Pushes people away,
Can be flirtatious if he wants to be,
Gets upset when he thinks about his past,
When he gets upset he closes off emotionally,
Fears all intimacy,
A skilled liar,
Will happily die again if he really cares about someone,

➶Personality Description➷

Do I have toooooooooooo? It's nap time- (-¬-)zzZZ

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