Chapter one.. Kidnapped

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You slowly walked down the sidewalk turning back once or twice to see the Wheelers house. You had a couple dollars in your pocket from doing chores around the house and helping your friends with shifts at work. You pulled out a couple fives, tens, and ones showing you had 36 dollars.
Smiling you walk up to a small gas station and quickly made your way to the drinks. You opened the small fridge to reveal water, soda, gatorade, coffee, and other things. You reached your hand inside for a water. You thought about getting a soda but you didn't feel like it and your mouth had been really dry. You grabbed a water bottle and headed over to the snacks and candy area. You knew not to look at the candies cause you'd immediately grab half of everything. (Or at least have a big temptation too) you glanced over at the snacks mostly looking for something to keep you full until you got home. You got your favorite chips and went to the register. You glanced up to see the creepy man behind the counter. Started you smile nervously as his glares get a bit more creepy. You quickly hand him the money (12$).
And he purposely puts his hand on top of yours before grabbing the money and putting it into the register. He mumbles something and you tilt your head slightly confused.
"Uh, what?" You ask.
"Your hands are soft.." he mumbled but this time louder and you heard slightly clearly.
"Oh, uh, thank you.." you mumbled and pulled away grabbing your things and quickly rushing out.
"Damn he gives me the creeps-" you blurt. You walk down the sidewalk and saw Billy. You rolled your eyes. The
A dude with a baseball cap on 'twas weird because it was almost 12 at night.. He was You kept walking then you saw a girl waking with him. Confusion crossed your mind as You walk past him but the moment you get close to him he grabs you. And you black out...

I know this was short but it's only chapter one. I promise to add more in chapter two.

Jonathan Byers x reader (Stranger things) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum