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3pm- Apartment

"Oi can you pass me the box Lando, it needs to go in the van"

The last day of university, EVER. I can't believe that I had spent the last two years living in this tiny flat in the middle of London, surrounded by other students. I took one last walk around while Lando put the last couple of boxes into the moving van. So many memories had been created here; but the move felt so right. I was onto a different chapter of my life and this apartment was the last part of my recent life that had remained the same. My fingers brushed against the small hole in the wall that had once held a photo of me, Lando, Sofia and Max. this picture was taken the last night before we left Monaco in a club. I was grabbing on to Lando and Sofie's arms and laughing hysterically while the rest grinned brightly at the camera. It was an amazing evening filled with millions of giggles and dances and drinks. Part of me wishes the night never ended and I was still there, soaking in all of the Monaco glamour.

I took in the bare walls and the small interior for the last time before shutting the door. I exhaled and turned around, causing me to crash into someone. I recognised who it was immediately, I could sense the smell of her expensive perfume from a mile away. It was Sofia.


I hugged her tightly and looked up to face her. We hadn't seen each other since she came back to England for her birthday and to see her parents with Max.

"Hello my gorgeous graduate! Lando called me and said you'd need an extra hand in packing so I got the next flight out"

I smiled widely at Sofia who was holding two large Louis Vuitton suitcases in each hand, with a handbag tucked under her arm. she had large sunglasses atop her head, with her perfectly styled dark curls falling down her shoulders.

"Did you decide to move in with me and Lando then?" I gestured to all her luggage with a giggle.

She rolled her eyes in response and laughed back at me, sticking her tongue out.

"Right Elizabeth let's get to the car, hold my suitcase will you?"

Sofia knew how much I hated being called Elizabeth, or anything other than Elle, the nickname I had been referred to all my life. She said it randomly just to annoy me because she knew how much I hated it.

"I'm not moving anything if you call me that, Sofia" I gasped dramatically, trying not to laugh.

"Ok I'm sorry Lizzie can we go now? this suitcase is too heavy for me." She said smugly. I ran off down the corridor of the halls of residence, with her bags in both hands, towards the elevator.

"You've got to be kidding me, I'm not running in these heels" Sofia awkwardly sprinted after me, both of us laughing hysterically. She finally caught up with me as I got in the elevator.

"It's good to have you back Sofie, I missed you" I put my head of her shoulder as we stood in the tiny apartment elevator.


"If it isn't the little meme boy" Sofia exclaimed as we walked towards the moving van that was parked across the pavement outside.

Lando turned around to face her and took off his Ray-Ban's. His untucked grey t-shirt fluttered slightly in the wind as he walked over to Sofia and embraced her.

"Fancy seeing you here" he joked in his giggly British accent. "How's Monaco for you right now"

"I wouldn't know, I'm back here aren't I " She put her bags in the back of the van next to the box that held some of my Uni clothes. "Back to where it all started"

We all stepped into the van and off we went through the busy streets of central London, passing the pub I was accustomed to going on weekends with all my Uni friends, occasionally Lando when he came up to Greenwich. As we got on the motor-way, I finally turned my head away from the window and breathed deeply. A new chapter of my life had finally started.

"You alright Elz?" Lando asked as I played with the radio volume mindlessly. It was a name he had accustomed to calling me, which I didn't complain about. He put his arm around me and flashed me a big grin.

"Eyes on the road Norris" I replyed and he shrugged his shoulders. "Just hard to concentrate with this gorgeous graduate next to me"

I rolled my eyes "Tell that to the police when you crash the van on the motorway, not to mention that its rented" I turned away from him.

"Is now a bad time to tell you I brought cake?" Sofia pulled a big white cake box from her carry on. How did she manage to carry her entire wardrobe and an entire cake with her back to England? Some things you just don't question with Sofia. She had her ways. It was good to have the gang back, well, three out of the four of us.

"So, where's Max? The gang's incomplete without him"

Sofia looked up from her phone and tossed it to the side of her. " Funny enough I've just had a text from the boy himself; speak of the devil. Work thing that he couldn't get out of. He was gutted he couldn't come, I bet he'd love to brag about how he 'got you guys together.' " She looked at us smugly "Besides, it took more than just him for this to happen" She pointed at me and Lando who looked at each other awkwardly.

"Don't look at each other like that, god sake you're moving in together and you still blush when someone mentions you're a couple" I put my had on Lando's knee while he fiddled with the radio awkwardly. As much as I hate to admit it, she was right. He gave my hand a squeeze and I changed the subject.

"Who's for a service station break?"

I walked out of the service station and walked over to Lando who was sat on a picnic bench on his own. Sofia had gone to call her parents about what time she'd be over on Sunday which left me and him to have a talk and sip tea from our cardboard costa cups.

"For me?" He pointed at one of the cups that I had just placed on the table. I nodded at him in response without looking up.

"Elle" I looked up from the table "Elle I'm sorry, Sofia took me by surprise in the car and I acted like such a dick-"

I stopped him by putting my finger to his lips.

"I'm not mad, or upset or even remotely annoyed, honestly. I'm overtired and overwhelmed and I need a good sleep later, but I love you and I know you don't hate me, even if you still act like a child sometimes."

He put his arm around me and pulled me next to him. "I'm so proud of you Elle, and I love you lots, I definitely don't hate you, even when you said you supported Red Bull over Mclaren that one time."

I laughed, remembering how annoyed he was with me for the couple hours after I had said that.

"That was a mistake!"

"Mhm, whatever you say Elz," He joked and gestured towards where Sofia was standing by the entrance "Let's go get Sofia, I want to get home at some point today"

BOOK 2-My best friend's boyfriends best friend- a Lando Norris ficWhere stories live. Discover now