Cheering for number 15

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Deku was relieved Ochako took the news so well, he hated being the bearer of bad news and it really helps that she trying to help him with such a complicated step in his life. The morning came and Deku immediately found Ochako waiting under a tree for him to arrive "Ochi!" Deku yelled from afar her heart fluttered by the silly nickname he gave her. "Ok so what's first on the agenda!" Uraraka  clasped her Hands together with joy "Ummm well me and Iida are gonnna be hanging out after school if you wanna come you can?" Deku spoke shyly, An opening? Ochako though to herself she happily accepted.

"Hey Ochako! I have got to tell you something!!!" Asui was Ochako's "Mole friend" even though she was as ugly as a toad she still got her nose into everyone's business the cheer team usually called her "froppy" behind her back, it's a mix between the words (frog + Sloppy). Ochako used her for good gossip, but she's even better at spreading rumors. Who could ask for a better friend! "What's the tea!" Ochako leans into the frog girl eagerly "Well you know that cute guy who plays violin I hear he's got a hot girlfriend!" The brunette rolled her eyes "Asusi....No one cares about some dumb band nerd!" Ochako closese her locker and walks off, clearly Tyusu wasn't in her prime. But she suspected she'll have some better info by lunch time. "But the only reason I brought it up because I saw you with that football twink this morning." The frog face continued and Ochako stopped dead in her tracks "How do you know that!?" Ochako squinted an eye at the other teenage girl "Well I heard from one of the varsity members that he was gay. And he might like be hooking up with Bakugo too."  But that wasn't true Deku didn't even know he was gay until yesterday unless he did something with That band nerd but how could Bakugo get in the mix of it??? "Ok that's my friend so let's not ruin his high school career! He's sensitive and he'll probably jump off a cliff or something." Ochako joked but her eyes had squinted firmly , everyone knew Ochako had ginormous eyes so whenever she narrowed them even in the slightest, you knew immediately that she meant business "Well I didn't start it this time seriously why do you even care didn't he ditch you at Miro's party?" "SHUT UP FROPPY!!!" Ururaka pushes her away and walks off "Come back when you decide to be useful" Ochako harshly stabbed at her teammate with her cynical words. It wasn't her intention to say something that harsh, froppy's eyes began to swell up which was always so unpleasant because she was twice as ugly when she cried. Damn, Ochako knew she should apologize but....Maybe later.

With that whole fiasco out of the way it was time she texted Deku once more trying to get some real answers and debug the rumors that froppy had been feeding her. So she texted:

Ochi💖🌸🌸- Hey Deku did you like hook up with some band guy?

Deku was in the changing room only a couple of guys were in there, like Sero and Kirishima and a couple of other people Deku was to scared to communicate with. Kirishima saw something ringing underneath his shirt and noticed it was Deku's phone, he decides to pick it up and hand it to him so he wouldn't lose it or place it in someone else's gym bag as he was often known for doing. "Hey Man your phone buzzing!" Kirishima couldn't help but glimpse at the text brightly highlighting the screen. And a small frown came across his face, he was really hoping him a Bakubro would work out. "Oh thanks Captain!" Deku chirped taking the phone and looking at the text. His face riddled with confusion 'How could she possibly know that?' Deku thought to himself , but even so it's a lie him and Todoroki barley even kissed.

Deku 💚🏈🐰
Ummm....No where did u hear that from????

Deku bit his nails after typing muttering to himself how this couldn't be true he just got here and there are already rumors about him being gay? This was gonna be a real problem.

Being an open homosexual Bakugo had to go throughout his day to day life differently then other kids. Of course he didn't get bullied for it because well look at him no on would DARE bully him unless they wanted their head blown off. But he did hear slick remarks here and there such as "Awww it's a shame he's gay he's so cute." Or something a little more negative like "I can't believe that queers on the football team." And his personal favorite "Maybe he's just confused." All the more reason Bakugo kept his friends to a maximum of one.
Other guys make fun of him and get uncomfortable around him, while girls just want him as a "gay best friend" but even if that was the case Bakugo had already been under the impression that all girls are annoying. So unless he was at practice or with Kirishima he was alone but for some reason that's started to change where ever Kacchan would go Deku would be not far off. It got so bad that even most of there classes were the same, and Katsuki HATED IT! Why was he always near that stupid nerd! But then he started to slowly get used to it and seeing Deku was a normal thing. Which he assumed wasn't necessarily a bad thing. "Hey KACCHAN!" Deku yelled across the hall swerving through the sea of kids to get to the blonde "Sup nerd." Kacchan spoke walking towards the library not making much eye contact with Deku "Would you believe the day I had!" Deku was almost to enthusiastic for Katsuki's likings it was one of those 'Your teacher was giving you shit and threaten to call your football coach' days but since it would be super rude to refuse instead he tried to listen.

While Deku began to ramble on Kacchan was thinking about what happened that day in the locker room. We're they just not gonna talk about it? Ever since then Deku won't leave him alone but if things aren't awkward then what's the problem? Maybe the problem was that there was no problem.....Nah that's fucking stupid. But Kacchan was curious about what Deku thought of that steamy afternoon. "Hey Deku did you like the training we did in the locker room....Was it ok or whatever?" Kacchan asked in a quiet tone trying to be as discreet as possible. "What training?" A small pause came to the two males conversation as the somewhat innocent male thought about what training possibly could Kacchan be talking abo- "OHHHhhhh" Deku realized, and then his face met with his hands. Why was he so damn slow " was nice I liked it." That wasn't the response Kacchan had been looking for. But Deku was at a lost for words he didn't really wanna say anything to cheesy, or weird,or super embarrassing "Oh good to know I won't do it again if your not like in to tha-" Deku grabbed Kacchan by his shirt sleeve clutching on to it and shaking his head forcefully "NO-no I'm into it...I'm really into it...." Deku blushed a beat red but a soft smile crept on his face he couldn't help but reminisce in those blissful memories. Katsuki was tooken aback a part of him felt like all of this was to good to be true. A guy he's known all his life who likes what he likes and might also be gay like him? Deku was a sweet package but Bakugo wasn't buying he didn't want to invest in something he wasn't sure of..... "Geesh nerd get off me!" Kacchan yanks Deku's arm off of his shoulder and walks a little faster to class, leaving Deku alone... "Damn it did I come on to strong?" Deku uttered under his breath. He continued to scold himself as he proceeds to class.

As she laid there and watched the two bicker as they played this stupid video game, she realized how comforting this atmosphere had been. The smell of  sweat yet a tintent musk of air freshener and fabric softener. She didn't hate it but instead she enjoyed it. This atmosphere was much different then the one she's used to no one asking her for a blowjob, no messy teenage girls, no fighting to be little miss popular, or striving for perfection just a girl with two guys plying a video game. It was simple non harmful fun, and as she laid on the floor giggling at every frustrated growl and every snarky remark she though to herself that this could be her escape from the everyday popular girl status quo....And that sounded like a great idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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