[ 004 ] chapter four

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"Czarina, look at me." Feeling ashamed of herself the blonde sheepishly met the doctor's gaze. Instead of receiving a pair of cold, unwelcoming stares, warmth surfaced from Doctor Alice's brown eyes.

"Healing isn't linear," the woman began. "Some days you will feel better than ever, some days everything feels suffocating. But it doesn't mean you're not trying. You've been through so much, things won't just go away that quick. But you are trying. I've seen it."

Czarina bit her lower lip, letting out a subtle cry that she has been holding back. "But I'm back on the same point where we started, Doc."

"No, you're not." She reassured me. "And even if you're, I'm here to help you get back to the point where you feel the best and strong enough. That's what we talked about, right?"

Hearing those words made the girl blink away more tears as she lightly nodded her head at the doctor for a reply. "I'm plenty of work, Doc." Czarina sniffled with a light laughter.

"Well, we both are."


Friday nights must be one of Czarina's favourite things to do involving the campus, it's just her and Ally eating some Chinese food for dinner while watching shows together but something about it is so comforting. Perhaps it's the feeling that the week is over and she finally has more time for herself.

"Ah, that's the stuff." Ally exhaled deeply as she sat down flat on their floor mat beside Czarina, placing the laptop in front of them.

"I'm gonna miss pajama Fridays." The blonde admitted with a half smile. Having Ally as a roommate in her freshman year is an unexpected luck to consider. Since both of them are not as sociable as most students in their school, the two bonded over with the reclusive routine on a daily basis. Something Czarina is thankful for as the high maintenance lifestyle a typical college student should have feels overwhelming for her

"God, same. And I'm gonna miss you too!" She groaned. As her friend was about to play the show they were supposed to watch, another tab slid off the screen. Showing a video footage of what's like a riot with a violent crowd.

"Oh, I-uh I was looking at it awhile ago." Ally explained, closing the tab with a subtle embarrassed look on her face. "It's just news."

"That looks... rough, what was that about?" Czarina asked.

"It's footage from another Flag Smashers attack on a city in Japan."

Curiosity began filling up the girl, it was the first time she's hearing about the whole thing. Ever since she came back she hasn't been interested in knowing any groups or organisations on Earth. She has a bad record when it comes to those.

"Flag Smashers?" The girl furrowed her brows in confusion.

"It's your first time hearing about this?"

"Hell, yeah. I don't even have a single idea about them."

Ally took a deep breath, pulling the laptop closer to Czarina. "From what I've read it's a group that formed during the five year gap. A lot of sources say that they want things to get back the way they were after the Blip."

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