[ 006 ] chapter six

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She almost missed the train leaving for New York. If it wasn't for Ally's repeated miscalls Czarina would still be under the covers past nine in the morning. Since the girl was in such a rush she didn't have time to drop by Hazel's before leaving. But a half hour call while on the road made it up for both of them.

"Say hi to your dad for me!"

"Will do. Don't worry he already knows you."

"Wow, so you have been telling your dad about me, huh?" Hazel teased me on the phone.

"Okay that's it. Bye! I'll see you in a week!"

After she hung up it was quiet again, she didn't feel like using her phone or reading so Czarina spent the next hour staring at the train's window while listening to music. She didn't tell him he was going home for the break. As far as her father knows the pardon states that they will be separated for a year to take care of their amends separately. For some reason the court sees that as reasonable but for her it's just  the way of the government being cautious about putting two former HYDRA super soldiers in one place.

A part of her cannot blame them but a part of her also wants to see the only family she has. So the girl came up with the decision to submit a proposal to the judge for advance visitation. With some help from the court-appointed lawyer and her personal therapist, Czarina got the proposal stamped approved within a week.

And she is now riding for New York to surprise her dad with arguably the best news he'll get this year. She misses him everyday. Considering the former life they lived together, separation can be terrifying. The day the court declared that she won't be staying with him relieved the days on HYDRA where the superiors would put them away with no assurance they'll see each other again.

But this time, of course, he'll remember her exactly who she was before they were separated. No more memory loss, mind wiping or confusion who's the girl that's been tailing him ever since they saw each other. So maybe, it's not so bad after all.

"Attention passengers the South Central Express will arrive at platform number three shortly"

Czarina blinked twice to check on the time on her phone to see if what she's hearing it correctly. She really is here. In New York. Where her dad has been staying for the past six months. Her heart pounds loudly against her chest, feeling all the nervousness as she takes in the idea that in just a few minutes she'll be seeing him again.

It took some time for the girl to find a cab in such a busy place but eventually one picked up and didn't complain about the location she asked to be dropped off. As the ride drove further down the streets of New York, Czarina began to wonder how her father was for the past six months without her. Is he around these places often, or has he confined himself in that apartment all this time? The girl would like to think it's the former. She's hoping he found company in the people around him here, just like how she did back at Boston.

"Here you go, girl. Barnes residence." The  driver spoke.

"Thank you," Czarina answered, handing the fee as she climbed down the cab.

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