4| I've met worse

Start from the beginning

After they had gotten the truck up and going, they had separated the group so they would all be safely inside of a vehicle, except for Daisuke, of course. He had refused to get into either trucks, so they had let him stay on his precious motorcycle and ride in front of them to look out for anything dangerous.

All of a sudden, Daisuke had made a rough turn to avoid a car who was heading straight their way, which made Warren so the same, seeing as she wasn't paying much attention to the road. Because of the sudden pull on the bell, it had snapped out of it's restrains and went flying towards a line of zombies, separating their bodies from their legs before it disappeared into a tunnel.

"Yeah! I'd pay money to see that again!" Doc stated in amazement as he stopped the truck behind them all, leaning out of the window with a large smile while laughing.

Daisuke simply sighed as he fixed his fingerless gloves on his tattooed hands and straightened himself out.

"Let's get going." He said once he saw everyone get back into the original truck, seeing as the pickup had broken down when they turned.


After an hour of driving around Philadelphia, they had all stopped for a quick Twinkie break after making sure that no Z's were around them.

"Enjoy. That's the last of the food." Warren told everyone as she cleaned her gun with a handkerchief.

As Daisuke looked beside him, he saw Murphy licking the wrapper of his long gone Twinkie, soon enough throwing it onto the ground.

"God, I'm so hungry my big guts are eating my little guts." He whined our before suddenly looking at 10k, who was nibbling on his Twinkie as if eating it too fast would kill him.

"You gonna eat all of that?" Murphy reaches out to snatch the boy's Twinkie out of his hand, but he had quickly shoved the whole thing into his mouth, making his cheeks puff up as he stared at Murphy in the eye. The scene made Daisuke want to say something inappropriate, but he chose to keep it in.

"Selfish little bastard." He grumbled before looking over to Daisuke, who rolled his eyes but still gave the older man most of his Twinkie before eating the rest of what he had left, which wasn't much. Murphy's frown turned into a large smile as he quickly ate the extra food he was just given.

Daisuke wasn't listening to what Garnet was saying, but he did know that he was paired up with the two youngest and the elder of the group to search for whatever Garnet said after everyone finished eating.


Our main character made sure to keep an eye out for any Z's that were trying to attack the trio as they tried to get a satellite off of a pole, which he had found strange, seeing as he always saw them sat on top of houses and not of the sides of the buildings.

"Hey, kid. Give me a hand with this, will ya?" Daisuke could hear Doc ask 10k for help as he struggled with the firmly placed object.

"I don't understand why we stopped here in Philly." Cassandra started as she threw her hands up in the hair, shaking her head in frustration. "We should've kept going."

"Going where?" Doc asked as he looked down at the girl who stood under them, seeing as they were on top of a large garbage container while she was standing on the ground normally.

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