Chapter 22

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        Today was the day me and Alastor split to get clothing for the wedding. I had just picked up Victoria and we started heading to a tailor. "So what are we getting you?" She asked. I looked at my figure. "I don't know... I guess what ever catches my eye." She snicked. "Alright, this next turn should lead us to the tailor." I nodded and saw people looking at us. I was use to it and Victoria could care less, besides no one was bothering us so we were fine. We arrived and we both were greeted by a woman. "Hello! My name is Nanallie! How can I be of help to you today?" She asked. "My friend, (y/n) here is having their wedding next week, so I'm here to get them clothing for it." Victoria told her. "Alright, let's go over here and find something for you! Congratulations by the way!" She was a very cheery person. "Thank you, I hope you don't mind, but do you have anything in (f/c)?" I asked.

Nanallie took some measurements and ran off grabbing clothing. "Here this would look perfect on you." I put it on and checked myself out. I looked good, but I still wanted to try on more. "(y/n) have you found one yet? I'm getting hungry and board." Victoria said. I watched as Nanallie turned to her. "You should probably shut your mouth because this is their time not yours." Victoria backed up and quit talking. "How about this one? It makes you look like royalty." I looked at it and loved it. "I'll take it!" She nodded and I change back into my own cloths.

"Honestly sweetie it's on the house, you are just so nice and honestly it's perfect on you, it would be a crime for you not to have it!" Nanallie exclaimed. I giggled. "Thank you so much. Maybe we can meet up some time!" I watch the smile grow on her face. " I would love that!" She was now bouncing with joy. I looked at the time. "I'm sorry we must go." I told her. She grabbed my arm a little to tight before leaving. "Friends?" She asked. I nodded." Goodbye now enjoy your wedding!" I looked back and thanked her.

"Why do you never say goodbye?" Victoria asked. I took a moment to think of what to say. "Goodbye feels like forever, but I don't want ti to be forever." I told her and she smiled. "Then I will try never to say goodbye to you." I smiled and headed into a dinner. We took a seat and looked at the food. We ordered and now where waiting. "So how nerves were you for your first wedding?" Victoria looked at me as though I told a bad joke. "Well.." She started. "I was in no mood for it because It was an arranged marriage. I had no choice and I didn't want love." She told me. "But you, you'll have the perfect marriage."

I thought of life after marriage. "What if he want's kids?" I asked. Victoria sighed." Then you talk to each other. communicate, that's hope happy endings happen." The waitress set the plates down and we began to eat. It was peaceful and the food was good, but it still wasn't Alastor's. "You'll have to come over for dinner on night! Alastor makes the best meals!" Victoria looked up at me. "You've talked about them a lot so I will." She said in a mean tone, but jokingly.

After lunch we headed back to Alastor's place. He still wasn't there so I asked her to help me hide my new clothing. She agreed and hid it in the attic. "So we know where it is now, so no telling Alastor." We both agreed and started laughing. "I feel like a little girl keeping a secret this big." I laughed out. "At least it's a good secret." Victoria managed to get out. We got up and heard the door open. Victoria threw her hands over my eyes.

"Hi hun! Please hurry to hid your suit, I really want to see you." I said and heard him run. After a few minutes Victoria let me go and I hugged Alastor. "How was it?" He asked. "Victoria and I found the perfect thing and I think you will love it." I said with a grin. "To bad I have to wait a week to see you in it." He said leaning down kissing me. "I'm gonna go now before I want to join." Victoria said while leaving. I waved to her and heard the door shut. I then went back to kissing Alastor.


All Dressed Up for a Homicide (Alastor x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz