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"Sometimes you cant change the way you are, dude. You cant go see him my guy!" Kamianri put his hand on his friends shoulder, calming him down. "But- why cant i just see him?! The war between The Dragon Master and that little farmer boy, it is causing so much trouble, i just want to tell him goodluck!"
He had a small, noticeable growl in his tone, slouching over. Eijiro was getting angry, causing some red scales to fold up from the skin on his shoulders as he slouched. "I-its because the agreement, right? The stupid economy- that STUPID Ochako, Iida, all of them! They think im some sort of- some sort of savage now??!" He hugged himself, more scales beginning to appear.
Kaminari sighed and hugged Kirishima, holding in his argument. "Hey, they dont like me much anymore either. Things dont always stay the same just because you want them too.. i had to teach myself that a while back. Its not your fault E! They just weren't expecting this."  Denki took off his hat, sliding his belt to the side so his sword wouldnt hit touch Kiri. "It is my fault!! Its always been my fault! If I would've just kept my mouth shut and didnt talk to Ochako about Bakugous Plans, we wouldn't be here! I would still be over there- in the kingdom with Baku! With everyone else-" Kirishima hid his face from the man hugging him, hiding his tears falling from his face into the soft soil. "Bakugou is just being stubborn! He will get over it and invite you back to the kingdom in no time!" Kaminari tried to keep Eijiros hopes high, trying to give him hope but it seemed to not be working as much as he wanted.

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