Part 1

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Brw this story had more ships then just kiribaku so stay tuned lmao

Back in the Musutafu Village, everyone kept talking about that dragon that had attacked recently. Something like that hasn't happened in while so it was pretty new. Bakugou Katsuki, The Dragon Master, Had of coures took care of the situation, but it was off to everyone. Everyone in the village had heard very loud yelling coming from the Kings castle a few hours before the attack. Ever sense, the King hasnt left the castle. Very odd.

"Tch- JUST LEAVE ME ALONE GODDANMMIT!!" He yelled at the girl, pointing at the door. Jiro sighed and stomped her foot. "I can help you find this beast! I could probably hear him from here if i tried!" She looked up at Bakugou with a desperate look in her eye. "Just tell me what happened! I can help you guys resolve this!"
Bakugou took a second to decide. He was still furious at Kirishima for betraying the Kingdom like that, but he knew he was force too by that prince, but he had a choice and choice to spill. "We dont need him here, not now. Who knew what he could do to the Village! To the Kingdom! He hid his Dragon secret from us and thats breaking a code, here."
"-But he is your lover, Bakugou! He made a mistake- you cant just leave him alone like that!" Jiro started to yell at Bakugou, crossing her arms. "Such a king you are- im suprised this place hasnt burned to shreds yet." Jiro walked towards the door, ignoring Bakugouz ignorance.

He was mad, extremely mad. Bakugou sighed, crossing his arms and sitting criss cross on his thrown. He didnt need Kirishima- he didnt want Kirishima- he doesnt miss Kirishima- Kiri risked the entire village, no apologies. He didnt only store anger, but guilt. After when the headmaster had told him the Kirishima had told The prince, even in the hostage situation Kiri was in, Bakugou got made. He was mainly mad that Kirishima could turn into a FULL FLIPPING DRAGON and never told him, but there had to be some excuse, he wanted a excuse- he needed Kirishima- he wanted Kirishima- he loved Kirishima, he missed Kirishima, but he couldnt let that get to him. He is the strong and ruthless king the village needed. "Jiro! Get you ass back in here!" He stomped his foot loudly, seeing the girl walk back in.
"Yes Sir??" She had her arms crossed, obviously annoyed
"Send out a search party for Kirishima, i need him here by tommorow at sunrise." He stood up and glared at the pissed girl across the large room. "-and bring him back alive." He turned his back to her, walking off.
Jiro groaned as she nodded, already knowing she was right. "I knew you missed him-" she mummbled under her breath, walking off.

A few hours LATER

Denki walked around the village with his great pal Sero, a fellow musketeer, as they talked. Kaminari told Sero about everything that had happened with Eijiro and Bakugou, not only because they were all extremely close friends, but because Hanta understood. "Dang dude- wait his did Dabi even have a chance to capture Kiri in the first place?" Sero scrached his head, seeming very confused.
"When the first moved happened- remember? When the Necromaster sent that Vampire over this way just to threaten the Village? Well when that happened i guess Dabi was able to snatch up Kirishima." Kamianri watched the clouds slowly drifting above them as he talked seeing something from the cornor of his eye. Hearing noise in the distance, Hanta and Denki looked over, above the hills of the Northwind, a red dragon flew in distress.
"Oh god-" Denki sighed as he started to sprint towards the hills, Sero following.
"Dont tell me thats-" The Flex TAPE boi sighed as the ran.

"THROW IT- NOW!" Jiro yelled at iida, as he used the engines on his calfs to jump up and threw the net over the beast wings and mouth, landing the shot and tighting then up, forcing the dragon to fall.
"Was this the same beast that attack the billage recently?!?" Iida threw a rope to Jiro, Then to Bakugou. They all grabbed a rope and held onto the dragon tight.
He whined and groaned, struggling to get out of the  tight rooes wrapped around him. Tears filled the dragons eyes as he looked at the people, even Bakugou.
  Kaminari and Sero ran up, pulling out their swords. He noticed Jiro and smiled towards her, walking up to her as Sero walked to bakugou.
"Whats going on up here?" He looked at Bakugou with a worried look. "This is Kirishima, right-?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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