2: that is your sin...

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Thrid person pov:

You look at both meliodas and gil waiting to see what happens next "so you acted like you die so you can get the information huh?" gil ask him as he glares meliodas down ready to strike once again

"yup, now i know where i should look for the two, to bad you aren't strong yet lil' gil" meliodas said "i told you...I'm now stronger then any of the seven deadly sins" he says once again charging at him

But meliodas dodges him and was behind you now "sorry we're going to have to fight some other time" he says to him "not a change me and you well fight right now!" gil yells as he was about to land attack on meliodas "gil stop!" you yell to him getting in front of meliodas, you were about to use your lightening shield against him but diane grab him

"you heard the captain and y/n, not right now!" she threw him as far as she can but one of her cloves were tron off by his thunder, meliodas told her which made her groan sadly, "meliodas here let me heal you ok" you said to him using your healing water spell on him, luckily you had a bottle of water with you that you fill from the lake before coming

"its no big deal, y/n" he says to you but you started to heal him anyways though it was being very slow "did you need healing to diane?" you ask her "I'm fine, thanks y/n" she says smiling at you "sir meliodas! Lady y/n and lady diane! Are you guys ok!?" Elizabeth ask as she ran back with hawk asking where gil ran off to.

"we're fine princess Elizabeth" you told her as you heal meliodas wound, she came over to check on him but diane got very envy of her "hey! Y/n said we're fine stop cling to the captain!" she yells as she pouts as well

"I'm burnt all over.." hawk says in a whimper "aww hawk, I'll heal you as soon as i can ok?" you said to him with a kind smile "y/n!" he ran to you and hug you while you try to heal meliodas wound as best you can.

(time skip)

Y/n's pov

Meliodas and i were sitting on diane's shoulder while she walks besides hawks mom "so what do you think you guys?" meliodas us "hmmm i dont know, im not interested in any man but you captain" diane said

"sadly i left a couple days after you guys so i dont either meli" i said him "sorry.." i apologize to him looking down "y/n have you been looking for us that long?" diane ask her "of course i have, no matter what others say i still believe you guys" i said smiling at her kindly "aww y/n, you have pure heart of gold! I wish every other holy knight had that!" she said

"by the way captain, dont i look like a sexy babe?" she says showing him the wanted poster of herself as she winks at him "but its just a drawing" was all he said, he pick me up bride style and jump back onto hawks mom "aww why'd you get off?" she ask sadly

"ok then we'll go to bastea prison first!"

Reader's pov:

He said as he place y/n down on her feet "but why there?" hawk ask meliodas, he said it was closer since it's the direction that they were going anyways

"he has a point, we may need him if shit goes down" y/n told him which hawk nodded to "i-i dont think we should go just yet! Sir meliodas is still injured" elizabeth said looking worried "dont worry about it" meliodas says to her with an suring smile "but-" she was cut off by diane again "i told you to stop cling to the captain! Im his right hand girl so I'll aid him if he needs!"

Suddenly meliodas buried his face into y/n's breasts "this might help!" he says in mumbles while holding her close "s-stop that meli!" y/n blush very red trying to push him away, he let go of her saying all he needs his some rest so he went up to his room.

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