The Boys Are Back In Town

Start from the beginning

"You came up with these cells, there must be a weakness." said Patryk.

"I made these to be escape proof, dammit past Tord!" yelled Tord.


"Here, these will be our jail cells, get these built." ordered Past Tord.

"Yes, Red Leader." said a soldier.

The man ran off while Past Tord slowly turns with an evil grin.


The two men stare wide eyed at their leader before looking at each other. Tord was still looking towards the ceiling with his fist shaking.

"Uh, what is he looking at?" asked Paul.

"And why is he cursing his past self?" asked Patryk.

The devil haired man sighs to cross his arms.

"Never mind, we need a plan to escape." said Tord.

Just as he says this, the field goes down.

"Oh, well that worked." said Tord.

The three exit the cell to stop upon seeing the soldier before them.

"Medd." said Tord.

The soldier was indeed the fusion of his friends, dressed as a member of the Red Army with the collar shining bright.

"We need to run." said Paul.

"No, Medd, are you still you?" asked Tord.

He looked to his friend, hoping that he hasn't lost them. The fusion looks at him, face blank and void of emotion.

Medd blinks before a smile comes to his face.

"Ya it's me, we let you out." beamed Medd.

Tord smiles and soon finds himself being pulled into a tight hug.

"We're so glad that you're okay." said Medd.

"Same here, my friend, but how are you still yourself, the collar." said Tord.

Medd touches it with a small smile.

"Ya, it was scary, but our new friend helped us." said Medd.

They then point behind them and Tord sees a man he's never seen before.

"Hello, I'm Waylon Park, a trapped computers expert from the states." said the man.

"Trapped, how did you end up here?" asked Tord.

"Well, I usually do IT work or design computer programs, and my partner, well, he's a tailor and in our home, he's the best in the state, mainly for wedding dresses, he entered a contest to open his own business and it took us here to Norway, but when it was time for him to show off his designed Wedding dress, he never showed." said Waylon sadly.

"I see, is that how they got to you?" asked Paul.

"Yes, I went looking for Eddie, and was soon grabbed by the Red Army, Red Leader wanted me to help her design the programs for the collars and other stuff, I refused and then she showed me Eddie." said Waylon, tears forming.

Medd pats his back and he took slow breathes.

"They, they did something to him, he was bloody and was just, insane, there were other people in the cell with him and he killed them, calling them darling and whores, that wasn't my Eddie, Red Leader told me he was used to test an experimental drug that causes a sense of warped reality along with extreme violence, she said she's cure him if I did what she asked." said Waylon, tearfully.

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