Call me back

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Call me back - The strokes

this was the fifth text message you've sent your boyfriend Timothée today.

"Hey i know it's probably late in Italy, you just never go to bed without saying goodnight so i was getting worried, anyway hope you had a great day today,miss you, call me back"

you left the voicemail and put your phone back in your purse, took a last look in the mirror and smiled lightly, you looked good, everything was gonna be alright, your sister was getting married in a few hours as much as you wanted Timothée there with you as your date, you were gonna try to have a good time, he's gonna be back in a two months anyways.

you greeted everyone there, family and old friends complimenting how beautiful you looked.

you made your way to congratulate your sister and her now husband, "oh my god look who it is" your sister smiled and hugged you excited to finally see you, "aw wait where's Timothée?" you felt a void in your chest and tried to shaked it off with a smile, you really wished he was here "he-" you started "ah, there he is" your sister clapped, you frowned confused.
"hey sorry for being late" he kissed your cheek "my flight got delayed" he looked at them with an apologizing smile and you bit your lip trying to hide your happiness.

You and Timothée sat at a table in the back and couldn't get your hands off each other
"i really thought you were in Italy" you looked at him still surprised
"i was" he laughed lightly and traced a cold finger under the strap of your dress.
"I wouldn't miss seeing you in a red dress for nothing ma chérie" he looked up at you grinning like a devil.

you kissed his lips softly "dance?"
"dance" he whispered and smiled.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 07, 2020 ⏰

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