"I know...and it has me slightly worried." Anne frowned.

"The fact that Harry hasn't been in any trouble has you worried?" Desmond laughed softly.

"No, not that," Anne corrected. "It's just the profound effect she's had on him in such a short period of time."

"Anne, honey, he's a teenaged boy. That's what happens when they meet teenaged girls. Trust me. I once was one."

Anne shook her head, adamant that it was more than that. "Desmond, you didn't see them together. It was like...like their souls had met in a previous life and we're just now seeing the physical personification of it."

"I'm canceling your subscription to the Mysticism channel," Desmond continued to poke fun.

"I'm being serious," Anne nearly stamped her foot. "I'm worried, Desmond. Bree seems like such an innocent girl and Harry...well, we've talked to his caseworkers. We know how much...physical experience he has."

"This is about sex? You're worried about him having sex?"

"I'm worried about too much too soon. And Desmond, if you had seen the way they interacted with each other this afternoon, you would be worried, too."

"Oh, Anne," Desmond sighed. He put his arms around her in hopes to soften what he was about to say. "Sweetheart, Harry feels...inadequate. Bree makes him feel whole. And we have no idea if he fills a void of some sort for her, but if he does, then that is exactly how their relationship is going to seem to them - like they're each others life preservers. And since Harry has had sex before, yes, he probably will want to do the same with Bree. We can try all we want to, but we probably won't be able to prevent that."

"You need to have a talk with him, Desmond. He needs to be responsible. His life is just barely on the right track. I'd hate to see him derail it by getting Bree pregnant."

"I'm pretty sure Harry knows all there is to know about sex. Hell, he could probably teach me a thing or two," Desmond's laughter stopped abruptly when he saw the look his wife was giving him. "I'll talk to him."

* * *

Monday morning met Bree with both excitement and fear. It had seemed like she and Harry had experienced half a year's worth of events, yet here it was, only Monday - a mere three days since Harry had officially coined her as his girlfriend. Over the weekend, they had been in a bubble of happiness, in a game of love where they were the only two players. Now they were thrust into a world where others would take notice of them. Where it would not go undetected that things had changed between Bree and Harry. Bree welcomed the change. She worried that Harry would not.

Their last words to one another had been last night when Harry had called her to ask her if he'd left something at her house...headphones or something. Harry had never brought headphones to her house and Bree realized he felt that he needed a reason to call her, beyond the fact that she was his girlfriend.

They'd talked a bit and Harry made fun of the fact that he could already hear Bree's mood music station playing in the background. She'd laughed at him before asking if he'd like her to pick him up for school the next morning. He'd hesitated before saying no. And that was when Bree knew that it was possible that everything they'd achieved over the weekend would be undone once they set foot on the school grounds.

So Bree immediately felt catapulted back to square one as she marched to her locker and heaved her backpack into it. The semester was winding down and she had less of a need for it. Soon her schedule would change and she'd happily say goodbye to a few of her less favorite classes. Unfortunately, she'd have to trade her English Literature class in for an economics class...which meant she'd be trading in her class with Harry.

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