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It was another beautiful and sunny day in San Francisco I had just moved here with my best friend Billy from his original hometown of Sacramento. Which is is where we moved after graduating in my hometown Hawkins Indiana , after the terrible and horrific summer after our senior year he decided he would be moving back here to make amends with his estranged mother and I came for a few weeks for moral support but ending falling in love with the city and a aspiring writer named Dennis . Seven years later I get a promotion at my job which is beginning making me think what I wanted to really do with my life. Do I want to work at a dead end job forever , did I want to go to art school , do I want to marry Dennis and start a family. I didn't really know what I want but I knew that I could count on Billy who I quickly became friends with after his family moved to Hawkins in the middle of senior year. After we got to California in the fall of 1985 I promised a few weeks to help him find his mom and help him get settled but while picking up lunch for Billy and I one afternoon I meet a sports writer for a local newspaper and that's when I decided maybe I could stick around a bit longer. Dennis was perfect he was smart , funny and handsome the only problem with Dennis was Billy didn't like him. He'd always tell me that Dennis seemed to perfect and that one day that perfect meadow of flowers would be a thunderstorm , but seven years later Dennis and I are still together. Sure we argued then and now but we still loved each other and I knew Dennis was the one but what I wasn't prepared for was a Crashing wave of a breaking heart.

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