AKA A New Beginning

Start from the beginning

"You're right." Trish said as regret filled her stomach. She felt sick. Nausea threatened to make her want to throw up whatever was in her stomach. Her tense muscles relaxed and she laid back into the bed. "I'm a killer."

Dawn's eyes softened. "That's why you're here." She gently rested her hand on Trish's forearm. "We're going to help you get back on track."

Tears were rolling down her cheeks as Dawn started to unbuckle the straps at Trish's wrists and ankles. "What are you doing?"

"You just proved to me that there's still humanity in you." Dawn said removing the last strap. "That you can still be saved."

Trish rubbed her aching wrists. She remained sitting, and Dawn handed her a glass full of water. Trish took it gratefully, letting the cool liquid flood the inside of her throat. When she finished, Dawn had opened the door leading outside the infirmary.

"Why are you letting me go?" She rasped, and Dawn looked at her sympathetically.

"There's some people who want to speak to you." Dawn replied.

Trish shakily stood, and followed Dawn out into the long hallway. When she entered the large room at the end of the hall, she was greeted by the familiar faces of Jessica Jones, Laurel Lance, and Ward Meachum.

She looked at the faces of three people who she cared about, each of them wearing different expressions. Jessica had her normal I don't want to be here expression on her face where Laurel looked more hopeful and Ward looked relieved.

Dawn quietly watched as the blonde approached her sister, her best friend, and her lover to say, "Why am I here?"

Laurel spoke first. "Didn't Dawn explain it to you?" The caramel haired woman turned to the woman on Trish's left.

"I did." Dawn responded. "But I think she needs your explanations."

Laurel looked to Jessica and Ward for help. Ward cautiously approached Trish, as if he were afraid she was going to attack him. He gently reached for her hand, and she watched as he interlaced his fingers with hers. She was starting to feel comfortable in his presence. He felt alien and familiar to her all at the same time. He gently lifted his right hand, and brushed a stray strand of her unkempt blonde hair out of her face.

No one spoke for five minutes. The silence was awkward and Trish spoke first to break the silence. "Why am I here?" She questioned again.

Laurel sighed. "Trish... if you didn't come here you'd end up in prison." She tried to be as gentle as possible. "You can't keep killing people."

Trish looked at the people around her. She looked up at Ward, who had a sad look in his eyes. Her heart sunk when she saw that he knew that Laurel was right. He stepped away from her, and she turned to look at Dawn. The small woman gave her a soft smile in an attempt to comfort her.

She inhaled sharply. "So that gave you a reason to knock me unconscious and strap me to a bed?" She had to restrain herself from snapping at her friend.

"Kinky." Jessica cut into the conversation. All the people in the group turned and stared at her. She threw her arms up in an exasperated manner. "What?"

"Jess- just stop." Trish squeezed the bridge of her nose between her pointer finger and her thumb.

Laurel let out a sigh. "You need to get on the right track." She said. "This will be good for you."

"What about my clothes? What about Style by Trish? What abo-"

"Don't worry about that." Laurel interjected.

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