MARCH 6th 2020

37 1 1

Oh my oh my. Hello everyone! Bird here, I can't believe I'm writing this today. It's March 6th, 2020 and I think it's time. I've been keeping an eye on this account for the past few years and I really cannot believe that people are still reading Terrible Things and voting on it. It's literally insane to me that it has reached over 65 thousand views over the coarse of the past few years. I started that story about 7 years ago, which is so long ago to me. I never stopped writing during that time. No one has read any of my unfinished work and I intend to keep it that way. I was a child when I wrote Terrible things, I was literally 14. I'm now 21 years old and I look back on that story and I CRINGE to the deepest depths of my soul. But I know it's well liked despite the endless plot holes and all it's flaws.
I've been working on a few different kinds of stories in the past 5 years or so that I've been away and I think I've really come a long way. I think I've come to the point where I can share my new work with you and maybe get some feedback. I feel bad for ditching this account when my story really began to take off, but I was scared. I knew my story had endless and unfixable problems from start to finish. But there it went, it kept growing and growing and I panicked.
I will be releasing a new story soon, I've written about 3 and a half chapters and I think I really will take this one and run with it. So, if you liked Terrible Things, please let me show you what I can really do.
Thank you for reading Terrible Things.
I'll be updating soon.
Luv, TheBirdWhoCannotFly

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 06, 2020 ⏰

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