Chapter 14

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A footpath filled the empty corridors.

Kou, seeing white smoke escaping from one room, immediately fell inside. He was breathing heavily. The heart was beating like crazy. A drop of sweat ran down his forehead. He clenched his hand on the raiteijou so much that his knees turned white.

"Move away from Senpai!" he screamed furiously, catching his breath.

He wanted to get her out of here as soon as possible.

Seeing how bakeneko hovered over the girl and wagged his tail carelessly, he wanted to destroy him here and now.

"Oh? Do we have company?" the boy giggled, turning toward the arrivals.

Aoi and Akane appeared next to Kou, followed by Mitsuba.

"Yuuki!" the purple-haired hissed. "Leave Nene-chan!"

However, before bakeneko could answer something flashed before his eyes. He leaned back at the last moment, avoiding the blade. Hanako stood protectively in front of Yashiro. He tightened his grip on the knife and gave Yuuki a hateful look.

"Hanako-kun! Kou-kun! A-Aoi-chan?" Nene was surprised, taking a step back.

They were here. 

Which meant that Mitsuba managed to pass on the plan.

It's safe now. Her friends were here. Touched, she dropped her head. She almost managed to forget about the traumatic events of earlier.

"Oh my ~" Yuuki caught his balance in the air and looked around. "Is this a cleverly set trap?" he asked with amusement.

"Definitely!" Mitsuba snorted. "I don't believe that Radish-senpai succeeded, but somehow she got out you of hiding! "

Yuuki just laughed out loud. His laughter was so unbearable, loud. He was breaking into their heads. He drilled into their skulls. Aoi covered ears with her hands. She didn't want to hear that again.

"Well, since you are so desperate to have fun with me, we should start didn't we?" he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye and dropped to the floor, standing.

Hanako did not wait for the invitation. He leaped forward, raising the knife and swinging. His eyes flashed menacingly as Bakeneko once again dodged his attack. Smoke began to surround them more densely. Kou wanted to help Hanako, but he felt a grip on his forearm. He turned sharply, but he softened when he saw Mitsuba.

"You'll only disturb him," he said. "We need to take care of Radish-senpai. This cat-madman wants her," he ordered.

"Nene-chan!" cried Aoi. "Come to us!"

Yashiro nodded and rushed to run. But before she took a few steps, something got tangled in her legs and she fell to the floor. She moaned loudly, noting Hanako.


Yuuki leaped at him and hit him painfully in the wall. Dust rose into the air as the ghost slid down. Nene got up on her elbows. Her palm was torn. But it hurt her much more that someone had hurt Hanako.

She felt something wrapping her leg and pulling her back. With a squeal, she dug her nails into the floor in a desperate attempt to save. Longitudinal scratches disfigured the old boards. Yuuki grabbed her by the collar and pulled her up, wrapping his arms tightly around her. He murmured into her ear, causing an unpleasant shiver. Tears appeared in the eyes, when she desperately turned her face away from him.

"Get these filthy hands away from her!" Hanako growled venomously, rising from the ground.

There was so much rage and hatred, directed at bakeneko, in his eyes. Yuuki smirked and glistened at the gathered people.

My dear Yashiro [Toilet bound Hanako-kun]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon