Epilogue: Seed of Despair

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"Sire it looks like your son has made it through the trials" A girl covered in a robe was standing next to another one also covered in robes with a hood that hid his face in the shadows. "Good we just need to wait some more time before the thing I put in him fully develops" The man said as he looked through the window of the castle and saw the ceremony.

"How much longer will it be sire?" The girl asked him. "It should be by when he's seventeen, and if it doesn't happen to work and it needs more time. Then I'll just have to boost the development by giving him great grief it doesn't matter since it takes all his negative energy and emotions to develop itself. Still...he's quite impressive so I won't underestimate him, but once the thing is finished he'll only be wanting bloodshed and have a broken mentality" The man said.

"Oh yes, yes that does sound very fine indeed. He'll end up killing everyone he loves, but please do tell me why did you pick your own son as the host?" The girl asked. "I picked him because I saw what he is capable off even as a new born. I got with his mother because I knew that she had the money and potential for me to do expirents. Luckily of me that I was able to fake the happiness of being with her while I waited for my son to be born. The first week of his birth I put it in his mentality just one alone was enough...but then Drea and her damn father found out and tried to stop me and kill me. But it was futile for I escaped and now I'm here waiting for that moment" The man answered.

"I see...sire thank you for taking me as your partner and for picking me up from the streets after being abandoned by my parents" The girl said as a tear fell down her cheek. "I saw you being alone and you were crying when I met you, you were only six at the time I felt pity for you so I took you in. You didn't speak at all for the first years but you soon opened up to me and I gave you a name and that name is Majalis" He responded to her. Majalis looked at him and smiled "Thank you for taking care of me, I promise you that I'll do my best and I'll protect you with my life. I'll stop anyone who gets in our way, you are the one who showed me how to use forbidden magic after all you even taught me how to kill with this dagger" She said.

The man held her tightly and looked back at her "You don't have to risk your life for me. If I die then you should go on and live your life, I have already taught you everything I know. You're my true descendant not that experiment. I already spent my entire life on chaos so you have a choice if you want to follow my same path or go on your own" He told her. Majalis nodded and looked back at the window "Sire the ceremony is over we should go" She told him. "Yes let us go" The man said and both of them walked away from the castle and out of the Necra kingdom.

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