There is a Japanese and Korean delicacy known as Odori Don, and it is served with a squid that is still alive and dances along as you pour over some soy sauce. They remove its brain and put it on the plate and when any salty thing like soy sauce is poured over it, its tentacles spring up to life.

There a contraception form that included using dried testicles of a beaver, putting it in an alcoholic drink and gulping it down the throat.

There is such a thing called 'the human toe cocktail'.

Jelly beans get their shine from shellac which is made with insect poop.

The Musk scent of some colognes or perfumes is obtained from a gland located near a deer's penis.

There drink is known as Baby Mice Wine and is served in Chinese and Korean cultures. All they do is drop baby mice in the rice wine and leave it for the process of fermentation.

There is a mouth-watering soup is called Bat-Soup.

An average a human produces 1.5 liters of mucus every day and swallows most of it.

Vultures pee on their legs to cool down their temperature.

A hagfish can project up to 17 pints of mucus at its attacker as a defense.

Banana slugs' penis grows out of its head.

Natural flavoring substitutes come from a gland which is located right next to a beaver's anus.

Your feet have 250,000 sweat glands and they excrete half a pint of sweat every day.

Your frozen broccoli has as many as 60 or more mites per 100 grams.

The fresh ginger that you hunt down contains mammalian excreta.

A fast food consumer eats 12 pubic hair per year.

Germs present in human feces can pass through ten layers of toilet paper.

People of Vietnam drink this snake wine as a medicine.

If our immune system vanishes off, the bacteria in our gut would eat us in 48 hours.

There is a dish made of sea urchins' gonads.

There is drink named- brace yourself- The Kim Jong Un Nuclear Bomb.

People with wet earwax tend to have a more unpleasant body odor.

Some frogs make their homes out of elephant dung.

There is no-so-good-to-look-at toast is a Samoan and Southern Pacific Island delicacy. These are coral worms and are found only at a specific time of the year, when the sea temperature changes.

There is a soup made out of bird's nest.

Ducks have a very horrifying way of killing boredom. When they are in captivity they entertain themselves by visiting their fellow ducks, murdering and eating them.

There is cracker that contains dead wasps.

Once scorpions shed their tails, they die of constipation.

Corn smut is a fungal disease and in some places. People love to see it on their plates as a delicacy. It is popular amongst the indigenous tribes of Mexico.

The Japanese have a dish of tuna fish eyeballs.

Shirako is actually the sperm sac and of a fish (now that's called yuck!) It is then dipped in tempura batter and deep fried.

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