✧ 1000 BC ✧

916 54 6

Why isn't Didyme dead?

Well, Aro didn't kill her. Simple as that.

She was so happy that night they told her he accepted her plan and wanted to bid her blessings before she and Marcus would go.

For the first time in her life, finally her big brother stopped seeing her as a child who always need his guidance and protection.

Oh, how naïve she was.

That night, she recall, she was wearing an ivory colored toga with pale lavender coverings and a leather waist strap. Her dark brown hair was tied up into a loose bun.

She still remembers the cold breeze and the dark sky with a dust of stars painted on it as she walked out from her room and passed the roofless marble fountain yard in her brother's manse.

When she arrived, Aro was already waiting, with his hands touched together and his gaze travels through the floor.

Suddenly when he saw her, he smiled widely.

And she should've known by the amount of time she knew him this is not the real happy smile.

But she was too delight to notice.

"Sister," He greeted as she offered him her hand to kiss.

"Radiant and delight as always."

"You spoke too highly of me, brother." She giggled.

His crimson eyes sparkled as he pulled away and motioned the servant in the corner of the room to walk out with a bronze plate containing two glasses of blood.

He handed one to her and lift up another one to his lips.

"Sit down and chat, shall we?"

She nodded and they walked to the table.

"I call you tonight to gave you my last blessings." Aro begins after they had settled down.

Didyme smiled and took another gulp on the red blood in her glass.

"I know you've been...wanting to live on your own for quite a long time. And I accept that you and Marcus would like to leave and roam the world together."

Her smile widened.

"As the one who've been raising you since we were children. I gave you these blessings instead of our late parents."

She could felt her venomous tears gathering in the rim of her eyes.

Aro walked across the table to her and cupped her face in his hands.

"It was like you were still a small child yesterday. And look at you now. You've become a full-grown beauty that stopped every sight from looking away."

He smiled softly.
"Also, you've got yourself a mate who you loves, and he loves you."

She hold onto his wrist and smiled.

"I wish you would have all the happiness in the world, sister." He brushed away her strands of hair.

"May you be loved anywhere you go. May the gods cast away any spirits that would negatively effect your household. May no harm comes to you andthe ones you've loved. And if you're tired, come to me. I'll always be there."

Didyme's single uncontrollable tear rolled down her cheek.

"Thank you, Aro."

Suddenly, her smile quickly fades.

Something is wrong with her.

She gasped as her body became limb fall to the marble floor. A side of her face was pressed against the cold smooth surface as her eyesight gets more and more blurred.

What's happening.

A group of dark cloaked figures walked in. Their footsteps echoed the hall, sending a shiver down Didyme's spine.

"Master." They said.

"Take her," Aro's voice was incredibly cold comparing to the usual tone he used to talk to her.
"To anywhere unexpected by anyone. Marcus must never know her locations. He must not felt wrong and questions her disappearance."

The dark cloaked people...or vampire, she wasn't sure, surrounded her and lift her up.

She felt her brother's cold hand on the top of her head, and if she's not mistaken by the strange symptoms she's having, she could feel a slight loving touch from him.

"I'm sorry, Didyme." He whispered.
"I need Marcus' powers. He wouldn't leave if he thinks you're dead."

Her heart aches so much she sobbed into the floor.

"Aro..." She tried to plead, but her strength has gone as if it was pumped out of her body.

"The potion in the diet you drank recently would put you into a deep slumber for a few millennials." He pursed his lips and run his hand over her tear stained cheek.

His voice cracks an almost unnoticed slight bit when he finishes the sentence.

"Farewell, sister."

Didyme gasped harder, trying to talk to him. To ask him why is he doing this, but she had already weakened.

Before her eyes would close for the first time since he changed her, she saw something that would printed deep and lingered in her minds for the next three thousand years;

Aro stood up, closing his eyes as his palms were held up and wiped away something on his face.

And Didyme was damn sure it was tears.


"Ah," Aro, the leader of the Volturi sighed as he stopped at the end of the stairs down the airport.


He turned his gaze to the sides, where Marcus and his guards, Alec and Demetri, stood.

"The last time I was here, it was still called Constantinople, the capital of the eastern Roman Empire."

"These days we called that empire Byzantine, master." The tracker corrected.

"I know, I know." The black-haired vampire waved unbotheringly.

"Let's get our luggage and go, shall we?"

The guards nodded and walked to the luggage picking area to collect their belongings.

"I felt something..." Demetri said to his friend.

The younger-looking vampire raised his brows.

"Something like...?"

"There's gonna be some kind of entangled problems on a dining plate waiting for us to stumbled upon in Istanbul."

Alec's mouth forms into an O shape.

"I thought you're already used to it. Everywhere we go, troublesome shit happens."

"Hmmm." The tracker frowned and jerked the corner of his mouth.

"Not so used to it. But I guess we've already passed all the dramatic stories that might happens to us."

"Dramatic stuffs are not only Shakespeare's plays, dude." The male one of the witch twins pulled out two large luggages from the conveyer belt while Demetri took the other two.

"It can happens in many ways, and in the most unexpected ways."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2020 ⏰

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