The Promise... Part 8

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Lepas masing2 reda dan bertenang dari melayan perasaan kami sambung cerita2 lagi. Sia sempat bgtau Rhys pasal intention c Kate. I told Rhys that I tried telling them that I'm with him now but get laugh at instead by my Entens. Rhys bilang not to worry he will take care of that sambil senyum nakal...

Kami cerita2 sampai habis dua gelas wine kami... Sia rasa muka sia mau panas sdh... Sia minta excuse Rhys utk balik tp dia tahan sia. He wants me to spend the night at his place deblang. Ermmm baiklah. But I still need to go to my apartment to take my toiletries and I need to change into something comfortable to sleep in. Tp again Rhys bilang, ambil toiletries saja, tdk payah tukar baju, lagi bagus klu tdk pakai baju deblang. Adehhh....

Kami pg apartment sia pg ambil toiletries sia lepas tu balik pg apartment Rhys.

Lepas freshen up a bit sia minta baju sleeveless Rhys supaya sia bulih tukar baju. Baju Rhys besar so memang selesa mau pakai tidur.

Sambil tunggu Rhys keluar dari tandas sia cek my handphone.

Sia nampak notification from my Feminin Calendar, you know yg bulih tau bila cycle kita, bila kita ovulating. Aparently tonight's the peak of my ovulation meaning klu "lucky" bulih jadi Rhys or Riley junior in few months. Eh buduh. Gila kah apa. Baru jak tadi Rhys bgtau sia dia kena suruh kawin sama pilihan parents dia. Jangan cari pasal, I warned myself.

I must tell Rhys... Mungkin suruh dia pg beli condom kah sana 24hrs convenient store sebelah apartment kami. Or suruh dia jangan release inside kah (if that's even possible?). Mana2 lah yg penting dia tau. I really didn't think about taking the morning after pills, haish silly me. Sia tdk mau dia fikir sia sengaja pula nanti. Sorry but I'm not that kind of desperate yet.

But....Keluar jak Rhys dari kamar mandi, he's wearing only boxer. Dia pg baring di sebelah sia. Damn he look so hot and his intoxicating scent... Omg. It must be the wine and my ovulating hormones talking! Gete ko ni Riley hehehe... Selalu pun Rhys hot juga tp ni malam entah, lain mcm sia nampak Rhys...

"Babe. Why are you looking at me like that?" - Rhys

"Like what babe?" - sia tanya dia balik hehehe. Rhys senyum.

"Babe, by the way, I'm kinda sangat subur skrng, so you might want to get ourselves protection, if you know what I mean " - Riley

"Really? Hurmmm... Don't worry, I'll be very careful not to get you pregnant if that's what you're afraid of hehhe..." - Rhys. Tp tu senyuman dia mcm he's up to something..

"Babe, it's not funny babe. I'm serious. What if things don't work out between us and you are to marry someone else? What will I do then? My mum already looked down on me, if I mess up like that confirm I will never hear the end of it for the rest of my life 😔"- Riley

"Baby, come here (sambil dia tarik sia dalam pelukan dia). Babe, sia bilang my parents mau kasi kawin sia sama pilihan durang kan, I didn't say I would agree that easily. I will meet my parents soon but only to convince them that I've found my soul mate. And if you ever get you know, pregnant with our child, don't for a second think that I will let you do it alone, without me. Ever. Okay? I promise I will cherish you and our child or children everyday and when they grow up I will never ever interfere in their love life, we should never arrange anything for them. Promise?"- Rhys

Bgtau sia, who in the right mind tidak lembut hati bila kena cakap begitu?

I really have no idea how our futures gonna hold but what I do know is that I trust Rhys, with all my heart.


Pagi tu, Saturday I'm thinking of having Kate and TJ over to my house in the evening. Sia sama Rhys setuju untuk sama2 break the news to them, about us.

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