Meeting the team

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It was around six to eight in the morning at that time corpus was still sleep and there was some mist and strong fog I was walking around at the beach shore to look at the sunrise with the fog and the ocean near the USS Lexington battleship museum in till I notice that the waves in the water reached out more to shore like if a whale surfaced and goes back underwater but "we usually don't have whales here" I thought so I ran to a cove that fog was clearing and I saw it  it was the Tortuga HQ from the show and I was wondering " no it can't be true can't it I mean it's all a show your probably hallucinating it's getting to you " just then you heard a door opening and you ran back to the shore where the fog was strong and provides you with limited visibility when the doors opened you heard two voices you recognized and you try to call out "Hello Is Any One There !! " they replied back "we're over here just come close we won't hurt you" at first I was scared because all the years that I watched the show I thought it was just a dream so I pinched my self and felt a little shock "this is real too real "I said so I got enough courage to walk up to the Tortuga and there they were .it was the Kratt brothers Martin and Chris at first I wanted to scream but then I took a deep breath and I got to say hi" "hey there little buddy"said Martin " hi there" Said Chris  I took a wild guess and I asked them "are you the Kratt brothers" I asked  they confirmed it and I introduced my self" so I am Adrian Coronado I live around these beaches what are you guys doing here in Corpus Christi" then they told me that they were on there way to the Pacific Ocean and they couldn't really see though the mist and to make a problem worse they were almost out of food so that had to resupplied so I told them " well I can take you guys to the shops around the city but for a little pit stop I can take you to get some breakfast around here in one of the popular Texas restaurants Whatabuger" they agreed and also they let me inside the Tortuga to show me around  I was able to meet Aviva , Koki and jimmy Z I introduced my self and greeted them and they said hello and they showed me everything in the HQ and I told them that with Martin and Chris's help I can resupply them with food and also to take them around the city and much to my surprise they agreed because they were cooped up in the HQ and wanted to stretch their legs. It was around 8:00 am and the sun was rising and I told them to look in the distance and they were so mesmerized by the scenery and even made jimmy shed a tear so first I took them to the first Whataburger which is a two story building. Once inside they were talking about plans to do at the Pacific Ocean and also to test out a creature power disc there after they were done eating I took them to the stores in the city and it looked like they were able to get everything from the whole store and I helped them out in sorting the food where it needs to go. Once done it was around 1:00 pm in the afternoon Martin and Chris wanted to go for a swim in the ocean and I warned them that there were some stingrays in the water as well as jellyfish and to them It didn't mattered so I had the courage to take of my shirt and I dove in after them the water was cold and I've never been able to swim in the water cause of the fear of the dangerous animals but later on a  stingray was close by me and swam around me I stayed still cause I don't want it to sting me later Martin said it was ok to touch the animal when I touched the creature he was soft to me and he liked me . I asked Martin if I can name him cause in the show he always names the animals and he allowed it and I name the stingray Corey he liked it and Chris asked me " wanna see some thing cool Adrian" I said "sure I I'd love to see  they had there creature power suits and gloves on and touched the ray for its DNA and then Martin had a blue disc while Chris had a green and they said out loud "Activate Stingray powers and they transformed into a stingray like in the show. I was so surprised and i just wanted to say "Oh My God. Later on I dried up in the Tortuga and the brothers said for helping them out and showing me the creature power suits the team gave me my own creature pod and I was amazed and I thanked them and I asked them that I wish I can go with you on your adventures. Aviva said that "summer vacation is tomorrow and that with your parents permission you can go with us besides there is a new creature power suit in development and it's almost done but we need a volunteer" than I told her "I can help" she agreed when she showed me the suit it was very similar to Martin's and Chris's power suits only that the color is in red I was honored to agree.

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