17. A Warm Welcome

Start from the beginning

"So wait, you're all mutants?"


Carol was silent for a moment before she scoffed. "My parents are going to kill me."

Now her three visitors shared a glance. 

"We don't get along," she filled them in.  "And they hate mutants. Lapped up all that Worthington crap."

"I see."

"So thanks for the offer, but good luck getting them to agree to send me to an all-mutant school. I would sign for myself, but I'm only seventeen."

"Well, we wouldn't have to give them all the details," said Wanda. "I mean, not tell them it's a school for mutants, but for the gifted."

"Well said, Wanda. I think you should be our new student recruiter." Xavier smiled before turning back to Carol. "Give it some thought, Miss Danvers. I know this is a lot to take at once."

"That's right, it is, but I'm totally sold. I'm all for it, so long as I don't have to live at home."

Wanda's heart wrenched - not that she knew Carol well, but she never would have guessed her clearly difficult home life.

"Think on it. We can discuss this further once you're released from the hospital. But for now, I will leave you. It was nice meeting you, Miss Danvers."

"You too. Thanks Professor."

With that, Xavier wheeled out of the room. 

"Hi," Carol said.

"Hi," Wanda replied.  "I understand if you don't feel up to visitors right now-"

"No, please stay."

Wanda smiled.  "Of course." She gestured to the flowers and card on the table.  "We brought these - Yela helped me pick them out."

"Thank you, that's so sweet."

"Our pleasure! I'll leave you two to chat.  Nice to meet you, Carol!" Daniela called, giving Wanda a thumb's up before slipping out of the room.


"Hey! It's Negasonic Teenage Coolest Name Ever!" Wade cried when Ellie and Yukio entered the kitchen. 

"Hey! It's Douchepool."

"Ellie!" cried Piotr. "See Wade, you are bad influence."

"Oh please, she talked that way long before we met!"

"Well don't encourage, please."

"Who's this?" Wade nodded to Yukio.

"Wade, Yukio. Yukio, Wade," Ellie introduced.

"Hi Wade!"

"Hi Yukio!"

"She's my girlfriend."

"Wow, romance is in the air around here! You and Yukio, these two-"

"Wait, what? When did this happen?" cried Ellie.


"You finally talked to him!" cried Ellie. "Took you long enough, Kath."

"I agree," said Wade. 

"Did you just agree with me?"

"Don't get used to it."


"I have become aware of the dramatic shift in your situation. A big change," Xavier said, eyeing Warren and Daniela from across his desk.  He had called the couple into his office for a mysterious meeting - although they guessed they knew what it was about.  Not so mysterious after all.

"Um, what do you mean, Professor?" Daniela asked, after sharing a glance with her boyfriend. 

"I'm referring to your pregnancy, Daniela."

"Oh, yeah..." She and Warren joined hands.  "Who told you?"

"No one.  I sensed the developing mind and life form before you realized, but I felt it would be best if you discovered it on your own. It wasn't my place to interfere. But, now that you do know about it, I wanted to discuss it with you."

"We were careful," Daniela said. 

"I believe that you were."

 "We didn't mean for this to happen - but that doesn't mean we won't love the baby."

 "I wouldn't suggest that it would mean that.  Have you discussed it all, then?"

The couple shared another glance and nodded.  "We want to keep the baby, we've decided on that much," Daniela informed him.

"Family is important to us, and neither of us have had ideal parental situations," added Warren. 

Xavier nodded.  "Have you told any adults?"

"We are adults-"

"Any adults older than yourselves, Daniela?"

"No. You're the first. But my siblings know."

"You're not gonna kick us out, are you?" Warren asked suddenly.

"No, of course not, I'm sorry you even had to ask," Xavier assured him. "Your family will be welcome here, you and your child have a place within this school, rest assured."

"Thank you, Professor."

"Of course. But I do hope you realize how big this is, how life-changing."

"We do, Professor. And we have lots of time to  prepare."

"Good. And you will have lots of support. Myself included."

"Thank you, Sir."

"You're welcome.  You may leave."

He stopped them again right before they stepped out of the office. 

"Daniela, you haven't told your father yet, then?"

His question struck her.  "He hasn't even met Warren."

Xavier just nodded. 

She hadn't even thought about telling her father. It hadn't even crossed her mind. 

(Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :))

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