pt iv

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Saved by the bell. Saved by the fucking bell? What did that even mean, saved by the bell? Sansa wanted to scream the question in his face, shake him by the shoulders and demand an explanation. She'd been certain he wanted her, they'd already hooked up, he'd just had her broken in the palm of his hand, literally, and he stopped her? Plus, this was Theon. Brags about every conquest Theon, told Robb and Jon about every filthy little thing Theon, ogles at every hot girl Theon. Why would he stop her before she got to pleasure him? That went against everything she knew about him, and only added to the fact that he was one of the very few people she just could not understand.

He was the most infuriating person she'd ever met. Fuck.

She'd been trying not to think about it, or him, every day for the past week, but every day she did and every day her mood turned sour.

It wasn't how she wanted to feel, especially at this family dinner in her family home with her entire family sitting around her. She'd hated family dinners for a good while now, she wasn't sure when that started, but it was probably shortly after she started seeing Joffrey. They would pry, and she hated every single question. They would pry even more when they noticed the look of distaste she wore today, but it was hard to keep it off when Theon was sitting a few chairs down on the other side of the table.

Why was he here? This was a family dinner. She tried to put it out of her mind that he practically was family, and that everyone in the room would be disgusted by the thoughts she had about him.

Sansa was doing her absolute best to ignore him, the sting of rejection still fresh. She focused on Rickon, asking about school projects and offering to help if he needed it, and she focused on Arya and asked if she'd finally let that tall boy that fancied her take her out on a date.

"I don't want a boyfriend Sansa, I'm not you."

The room didn't actually go silent but it felt like it, and Sansa could feel the heat of someone's gaze boring into her. This was just what Arya was like, she tried to remind herself, it wasn't an insult. But it felt like an insult.

"Of course not." Sansa brushed it off with a fake laugh, then gave up trying to talk to her family at all. Instead, she just pushed her food around her plate, cutting and mushing and moving to distract from the swirling feeling in her stomach.

"Sansa you've barely touched your food," her mother commented softly, and again it felt like the world's eyes were on her.

"I'm just not that hungry," She told her, giving her best lie of a smile. Catelyn nodded, then smiled.

"Maybe you'll want dessert." Sansa smiled properly at that, even though she didn't want dessert. It was nice when people remembered your preferences. She was a sweet over savoury girl through and through.

"Hey, guys," Robb called out over the noise of the chatter, waving a hand to bring attention to himself. "So, we were going to wait until later, but we just can't wait any longer." He had this growing smile on his face, it reminded her of the ones she had in her photo album from when they were children. He looked endlessly excited, and her heart sped up when she realised what was about to happen.

"We're pregnant!" He and Talisa had chimed together, and there was a sudden uproar of noise.

It was then, that she allowed her eyes to go to Theon, and he wore a strange look in his eyes. Disappointment, maybe? But he immediately lifted and slapped Robb's shoulder.

"Nice one man, congrats." Theon gave a proper smile as he shook his best friend, and for a moment she wondered why she was never on the receiving end of one of those.

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