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Ah, to be a teenager in the 80's. Almost every girl had a perm and everyone's bedroom walls were plastered with Polaroid pictures of them and their friends— well, with that it was suffice to say that none of that related to me whatsoever. It wasn't like I was a loser or anything; if I'm being honest I was probably the top of the food chain when it came to things. I just felt like I didn't belong.

A lot of it is a blur now. My brain blocked a lot of things out, but I still remember how we met. How he did it. I was the only one left, and he's looking for me. Wherever he is, I can feel it. I should've just ignored him from the start, then at least I wouldn't be living in constant fear everyday.

I should probably start from the beginning. Hi, I'm Y/N and the first day of senior year was where it all started. Everything was fine at the start. I got up early and did my morning routine without any fuss, some of the other popular girls picked me up in their convertibles, and everyone was just being their normal "chill" selves. Key word is was.

My first period of the year was English, and for some reason or another I was selected to be in the "smart" class... which means that I didn't hang out with any of the people there and due to my status nobody sat next to me. It was great for the most part, but even when I tried to talk to someone they would just freeze up as if I was a T-Rex looking for it's prey.

I frowned, turning back around to face my work. I sighed, staring at the sheet of paper with some short story poorly printed on it. How am I supposed to analyse this when I can't even fucking read it! After a few moments, my brooding was cut short when there was a knock at the door and as if on cue, my teacher opened said door and let a rather odd looking person in.

"Excuse me, everyone!" She started, grabbing everyone's attention. "This is Johnny, he just transferred here so I expect all of you to treat him they way you treat everyone else." After a moment of silence for everyone, the boy looked at me and smiled with a rather unsettling grin. "Now, if you'd like to introduce yourself."

"My name if Johnny, but if you'd like you can all call me Nny for short. I think me telling you about all of my deepest darkest secrets is convoluted cause you'll just use everything against me, but if you're so enthralled with me then just stalk me for 3 months—" He was cut off by an awkward giggle from the teacher who just placed her hands on his shoulder.

"That was... lovely. Now why don't you just sit next to....hmm." She scanned the room for a second. "Why don't you sit next to Y/N over there. Y/N, please put your hand up." If I was drinking something then I would've spat it out. I hesitantly put my hand up before he made his way over to the vacated desk next to mine. I held my breath for a moment before shaking my head and looking back down at my work.

As the class resumed their usual chatter I remained staring confusingly at the sheet of paper, before the boy spoke up. "Hey!" He whispered rather loudly, grabbing my attention. "I'm Johnny, but you can call me Nny." I gave a halfhearted smile to this.

"Yeah, I know. You said your name to everyone already. I'm Y/N." I introduced myself while reaching a hand over to him. He almost immediately took it, shaking it with a surprisingly strong grip.

For the next for 5 minutes or so we just talked. It wasn't anything striking, just small talk but it was nice to actually have someone to talk to. For some reason or another the teacher left the classroom and of course someone had to speak up. "NEW KID HAS A CRUSH ON Y/N!" Someone shouted from the back of the room, earning a large crowd of laughter. Johnny turned red in either anger or embarrassment, and was about to shout something before I cut in.

"SHUT UP DICKWAD. JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T GET ENOUGH ATTENTION AT HOME DOESNT MEAN JACK SHIT HERE." I twisted in my seat, staring into the kids soul as to strike at least some amount of fear. The classroom fell silent as everyone looked at us in a mixture of shock and amusement. After a moment I looked around the classroom, quickly seeing that everyone acted as if they didn't see anything, even if their whispering gave it away. I turned back around in my seat, slumping further than I even thought was possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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